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Thursday, October 15, 2020

President Trump supporters march through NYC with 'world's biggest Trump flag'

A crowd of dozens of President Trump’s supporters marched by Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue and through Times Square in New York City with what is said to be the “world’s biggest Trump flag,” according to photos and videos posted to social media.

The demonstration made its way through the Manhattan hotspots at approximately 3:30 p.m. Tuesday carrying the 75-foot-by-50-foot flag, which was emblazoned with the words: “Trump: Law and Order,” according to the Daily Mail.

As they marched, people from the group chanted “Four more years,” “Whose streets? Our streets” and the Pledge of Allegiance, according to the report.


  1. Click on the picture to go to YouTube and a pretty face that says to click on the link below, which takes you to an unsafe website.

  2. Taking America BACK baby !!! 2020 MAGA

  3. Yep... back to the 16th Century.

    1. Yep that's what joKe bye-done and camel harris want to do...

  4. @1:43 please!! If the idiot Biden gets in there we'll be back to the store ages. Yeah let's elect Biden and see just how you pay for all your government entitlement programs. And don't give me that BS that Biden is going to punish the wealthy or big business. Your stupid ass and mine will be stick paying for everything while the rich get richer and big business continues to laugh at all the dumb asses that continue to fall for the Democrats smoke screen

  5. Back to FREE America again !!!

    Back to Govt by the People Not People by the
    Govt !!!

  6. 1:43 PM - 16th Century? Show us what you mean.

  7. Taking New York Back from Demon-crats !!!!

  8. Huh 143? Do tell what took place in the 1500s in North America. We don't care what happened in Europe or anyplace else since it didn't impact US.

    Stay off that bottom shelf booze...not good for you.


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