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Friday, October 16, 2020

New Jersey high schooler says teacher ordered him to take down Trump banner at home before virtual class

A New Jersey teen said a teacher ordered him to take down a Donald Trump banner hanging behind him in his home during a virtual class last week, according to local reports.

Anthony Ribeiro, a 17-year-old student at Toms River North High School said the teacher saw the banner and told him to remove it before class.

“He said, 'Anthony take the sign down right now' and I looked up, seeing class hasn't started yet,” the teen told NBC New York. “I was on my phone. I looked up at him and kind of just looked back down like I didn't hear him.”

But the teacher repeated the request and said Ribeiro would have to leave if he refused.

“I waved goodbye, and I was gone,” the teen said.

District officials told the outlet they were addressing the incident and that Ribeiro “was not in violation of any general code of conduct or any policy specifically related to virtual learning.”

The teen’s mother, Tara Jost, told NJ Advance Media the incident shocked her.

“My son takes his academics very seriously, and for this teacher to kick him out of learning that day for something that was in my home…I don’t think he should’ve been kicked out of class for that,” she said.

The family told the outlet that students were given instructions on behavior during virtual classes, including no pajamas and no taking part while in bed – but not about keeping political signs away from cameras.


  1. Alright, so it sounds like they think they have the authority to treat your private personal home as a school so if that is the case, then I don't need to pay taxes while my house is being used as a school since schools are tax exempt!!!!

  2. He was in his own private home, not a classroom, this teacher is a complete jerk, period.

  3. The school said no violation ... every kid in the class should get a Trump flag

    1. Sad thing is, they have already been brainwashed and the minds of mush (Rush), probably don’t want a Trump flag. This young boy is likely the exception. I know he is exceptional. Lol

  4. Has anyone had issues with their employers forcing in the white privilege narrative on them as part of a diversity push ? My company has started this going as far as forcing us to watch liberal communist professors who attack white employees for nothing other than guilty of their race . This is a growing issue in the workplace

  5. Since when does a teacher and Board of Education tell parents or children what to do in their own home. The teacher should be fired and never allowed to teach anywhere ever again. Also the Board of Education needs to answer to this teacher's actions and a follow up on teachers in that county and their policies related to after school hours and stepping on the roll of parents.

    1. No, the teacher shouldn't be fired and permanently marked. Instead, there needs to be clear policy and a reminder of what their authority might be ( along with what it's not).

    2. SOP stating clearly that personal feelings must be left in ones car before reporting to work.

  6. Burn it all down!!! wake up we are under attack!! the marxist are united to give us the hope and change the first commie promised us!!! kamela is the their champion to bring it on home. WE WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN MAGE 2020

  7. My grandson wore a TRUMP shirt to class in his 9th grade class and was challenged by his teacher. Being on the school debating team He immediately challenged her to a debate on free speech and she folded. BTW- HE and a ASIAN STUDENT were top students in the school of 1400 students.

  8. We don't need no mind control . . .

  9. if it was a bye-done or obozo or hil-liar-y banner it would be okay huh?

  10. I thought teachers were supposed to educate not legislate or criticize


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