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Thursday, October 01, 2020

House Democrats’ stimulus bill includes stimulus checks for illegal immigrants, protections from deportations

A stimulus package proposed by Democrats in the House of Representatives includes a number of items that will benefit illegal immigrants -- including an expansion of stimulus checks and protections from deportations for illegal immigrants in certain “essential” jobs.

The $2.2 trillion bill includes language that allows some illegal immigrants -- who are “engaged in essential critical infrastructure labor or services in the United States” -- to be placed into “a period of deferred action” and authorized to work if they meet certain conditions.

It also grants protections to those employers who hire those undocumented immigrants, ordering that “the hiring, employment or continued employment” of the defined group is not in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act. That lasts until 90 days after the public health emergency is ended.

A Democratic description of that part of the bill says that “such workers are deemed to be in a period of deferred action and to be authorized for employment, and employers are shielded from certain immigration-related violations for employing such workers."


  1. Yep democrats working hard for the average american by placing additional tax burdens on our great great great great great grandchildren!!! Line cutters, border jumpers, anchor babies before americans!!

  2. And the Senate Republican bill has nothing for no one because they cannot pass anything,...dysfunctional

    1. Pelosi is disfunctional and crazy - Dems bill would destroy America.

    2. 10:22 Deflect much?

  3. If I were President Trump. I wouldn't sign it. Use it during a speech how Democrats rather help ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS instead of AMERICANS.

  4. I don't care at this point. There is about to be a homelessness crisis if the checks aren't cut.

  5. Ironic that you're opposed to it since keeping the economy going was prioritized over saving lives early on.

  6. I'm guessing if all of you Trump supporters were born in a drug lord town you would keep your kids in imminent danger rather than do everything you can to protect them while you wait decades for an outdated and archaic immigration system to "process" you paperwork. Every illegal I've met works TWICE as hard as you pensioners.

    1. You meet up w/ a lot of illegals? Also, how do you know how hard I work? Stupid post.

    2. 11:01 another I'm so smart my comment sounds stupid. You know why?? Because it is. If people want to kill themselves with drugs and booze?? LET THEM. If blacks want to kill themselves?? LET THEM.

  7. I thought these nuts were law makers. Apparently they don’t know what illegal means. Hell, I say impose fines on them until they are legal and only for a certain amount of time or go back whence they came.

  8. Total Democrat BS. These are the same Democrats who are attempting to destroy SSI for Seniors who are legal American citizens.

    1. And claim Trump is doing it. Anytime you hear something from those turds saying what the GOP is doing or wants to do, they know how to communicate it because they are doing it. It has gotten to the point I don’t even want to associate with former friends that are damorats. Before the black troublemaker came along and fooled them, I didn’t even know what party friends were with or couldn’t care. That black failure started all of this divide and we Whites are subject to finish it along with many good blacks. Flush his nasty butt out of this country.

  9. Curious as to why the Dept. Of Education will receive $200 Billion in this proposed bill when they have a $60 Billion annual budget. Something is not right here...

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm guessing if all of you Trump supporters were born in a drug lord town you would keep your kids in imminent danger rather than do everything you can to protect them while you wait decades for an outdated and archaic immigration system to "process" you paperwork. Every illegal I've met works TWICE as hard as you pensioners.

    October 1, 2020 at 11:01 AM

    So when illegals walk right in to your house and set up camp, you're very willing to feed them and pay them?

    What an idiot!

  11. Heres why 3:22

    There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.
    -- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

    Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
    -- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

    Destroy the family, you destroy the country.
    -- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

    1. Wow - an expert of the dealings of Lenin - must be a liberal professor at SU. Scary

  12. I do not want to hear any politician (county, state, or US) crying about budget issues due to covid when they support this BS. I am trying not to get on the time to fight a war bandwagon, but a revolution to get back to basics (not changing government) is looking plausible.

  13. Great. We need workers in OC.

    1. What's wrong with using welfare recipients for jobs in OC.

  14. Demoncrats can GO TO HELL !!!

    Not happening in my America !!!

  15. Trump needs to Shove New Stimulus down the
    Demon-crat's Throats , & Order a Plan ALL
    by himself like Last time !!

    Enough Stalling / Enough Americans suffering
    waiting for Our $$$ / Enough Democrats
    Doing Nothing to help Americans & approve
    more Stimulus !!! Do it Without Them !!

    Enough Demanding PORK to pass ANY BILL !!!!

  16. October 1, 2020 at 11:01 AM. Oh, so you believe that they ALL come from a drug dealer infested town? How many towns here in America are infested with dealers, numb nuts? Everyone else in the world waits their turn, why can't these border jumpers? What right do they have to step in line ahead of everyone else? I bet if you were in line somewhere waiting for something and someone got in line ahead of you, you would be one of the first to raise hell about it. People like you are what is wrong with our country.

  17. Democrats gladly want to give OUR $$$ to
    damn Illegals , but they don't care about US
    getting ANY !!!

    There you are > Democrats = Traitors !!!

  18. Democrats care NOT about us Real Americans
    & they gladly would give OUR taxpayer $$$
    to Illegals though !!! + let them stay for more of OUR benefits , they are NOT entitled
    to ANY of !!!

    Now You see what Democrats are > Traitors !!


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