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Thursday, October 01, 2020

Hollywood celebrities fuel Texas Democrats' fundraising push in bid to turn Lone Star State blue

Hollywood celebrities are flocking to support Texas Democrats, urging their fans to chip in $38 to help turn the Lone Star state blue in the November election.

The group of celebrities, which includes Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Amy Schumer, Mark Ruffalo and Pink, asked for supporters to chip in $38 for Democratic causes in Texas to buoy Biden's chances of securing the state's 38 electoral votes -- one of the biggest delegate prizes on Election Day.

"There’s no debate: If we #TurnTexasBlue, Trump is through. $38 for 38 electoral votes. Match me: 38for38.com," they tweeted, sharing a message that has gone viral across social media.

The "Turn Texas Blue" campaign began percolating on social media ahead of the first presidential debate.

According to an aggregate of polls from RealClearPolitics, Trump is leading Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden by 3.2 percentage points in Texas, and incumbent Republican Sen. John Cornyn is polling ahead of his Democratic challenger, M.J. Hegar, by more than 8 percentage points.


  1. For the last time. Cancel netflix, cancel hulu. Cancel amazon prime. Cancel your cable bill. Do you really need all this entertainment all the time? Why are we paying for our enemies? Either we man up or just shut up once and for all.

  2. Trying to bring California values to Texas I don’t think so.

  3. Celebrities know best.

  4. 1:55.... It’s too late. When Toyota moved to Plano they brought most of their employees with them who brought their spouses and now grand parents and other in laws are moving there. Rick Perry went to Cali when he was governor begging for businesses to move to business friendly Texas and they did. What he failed to realize is they would bring their political choices with them. Texas will not turn blue this year but Abbott has made a mess of things and it won’t be long before the democrats will start grabbing the available seats. Hegar is a veteran and has a following. If she doesn’t win this year she will be back in the race. Both men and women like her and even the Republicans are tired of Cornyn and his fence sitting.

  5. Communism at work chipping away at the very foundation of our nation from the inside. It's underway under the "UNITED FRONT" cover called the democratic party. However you brand it its communism.

    1. That’s YOU. It’s so obvious when you start trolling . Lol. Loser.

  6. America has celebrities' number !!
    They better stay OUT of politics & be glad
    they are Rich & go home & count their $$$$ !!

    They are bought & Paid for by Democrats &
    we know it & they Ain't changing a thing !!!

  7. We are at war With California and New York Elites telling us average everyday Americans how to run and dictate are lives, along with that Corrupt cesspool that is Washington D.C.#celebritiesdontmatter,#wariscomingtothesetwocommuniststates


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