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Friday, October 16, 2020

Critics pan NBC town hall, Savannah Guthrie for 'debating' Trump, ABC for giving 'softballs' to Biden

Critics piled on NBC News for devoting its town hall to what appeared to be a "debate" between President Trump and moderator Savannah Guthrie, while Democratic nominee Joe Biden was lobbed "softballs" at his ABC News town hall.

Viewers who tuned into the Peacock Network expected to hear questions from voters. However, Guthrie spent most of the first 20 minutes grilling Trump on masks and White supremacy.

That didn't sit well with many observers.

"How long will NBC go before giving an actual voter the chance to ask a question?" asked pollster Frank Luntz, who later called the "town hall" descriptor of the program "false advertising."

"A third of the way into the NBC town hall and NO questions from the PEOPLE!!!" White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany exclaimed.

"Savannah Guthrie posture toward Trump compared to Lester Holt’s toward Biden is night and day," The Hill media reporter Joe Concha wrote, recalling a previous NBC town hall with the former VP.

"Trump went from debating Biden to Guthrie! Not sure whether this is good or bad yet ... but he's definitely debating tonight," CNN commentator Scott Jennings said.


  1. Townhall sure as hell was not supposed to mean Trump/Guthrie debate, but the drama queen that she is, would not let it be townhall. As far as Biden, that's what it was Bye-Done!!

  2. Trump has to debate moderators because Biden is weak

  3. Savanah is the new Karen.
    apologies to Karens

  4. First time I’ve ever seen a candidate give themselves an ass whipping.

    1. You don’t make any sense

    2. yes, bye-done is a disgrace...

    3. Proud democrat running for the senate.

  5. The media bias is on full display! They didn't even have to conspire to pull it off!

  6. President Trump is by far the best President we ever had.

  7. What an insult to Democrat voters. The DNC's motto, the dumber the better.


  8. Guthrie was a disgrace. And stupid to boot. Total lightweight. Viewers deserved to hear fellow citizens ask questions.

    But recall who owns NBC. Comcast from Philly.

  9. Biden has WHITE PRIVILEGE.

  10. All these townhalls and debates are set up to try and make President Trump look like a fool. That is why they have those moderators they are picking out. Just like the cancelled debate where the Biden friend moderator finally admitted he made up a lie about being hacked on his Twitter account. That was a just before debate lie to make it look like the Trump campaign did it. Only brain washed FOOLS believe this garbage. You want to know why anti-Trump hacks have been chosen to moderate these debates, moderators who have a clear bias and are clearly anti-Trump zealots? Look no further than the co-chairs of the Commission on Presidential Debates. It is all part of the coup attempt.

  11. I don't know how you can say she was bias. All she did was ask tough questions and he bombed answering them or tried to lie his way through it. She did what an interviewer should do and asked good follow up questions and called him out when he was being deceptive. You all sound like apologists for a snowflake. For christ sake he's the President, he should be able to handle an interview.

  12. Savanah; what a disgrace and disparagement to have such a person carry the same name as such a charming southern town.

  13. These idiots just don't realize they solidify Trump winning with these dumb actions.

  14. 12:56 Truer words were never spoken. Trump2020πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  15. Now google is putting out FALSE statements. They are saying the REPUBLICANS are preparing for a bloodbath and leaving President Trump. All bullshit.

  16. TDS in full display,love watching the Hollywood crowd meltdown.

  17. Guthrie's rain on that network should end it is evident she did not grow up in a good family, doubts she attends any church and definately is not a lady. She should go to work for the Enquirer that would be a good fit for her.


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