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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Wicomico Board Approves Plans For Major School Projects

SALISBURY – School construction plans for Beaver Run Elementary and Mardela Middle and High highlight a capital planning document approved by board members this week.

On Tuesday, the Wicomico County Board of Education voted unanimously to approve the Fiscal Years 2022-2027 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and capital budget. The document will now be submitted to the county executive office and the state’s Interagency Committee on School Construction.

Facilities Planner Cayla Campbell first presented the proposed CIP and budget to board members in a work session on Aug. 25.

“This is where we budget, plan and implement for projects moving forward,” she said at the time.



  1. They need to start transitioning away from heard education and use technology

  2. When Mardela school gets anything, I'll believe it when I see it! They have always been left in the dust.

  3. What the dam hell is John Palmer doing voting in favor of this out of control spending by the Board of Ed? I thought the entire reason that John Palmer, creator of Voters Opposed to Increased County Expenditures County Expenditures VOICE and Wicomico’s Revenue Cap, was hand picked to be placed on the WCBOE was to put to and end this wasteful spending. That’s for nothing John Palmer,

    1. Because he got on the BOE and realized that many of the expenses are justified.

  4. Anonymous said...
    What the dam hell is John Palmer doing voting in favor of this out of control spending by the Board of Ed? I thought the entire reason that John Palmer, creator of Voters Opposed to Increased County Expenditures County Expenditures VOICE and Wicomico’s Revenue Cap, was hand picked to be placed on the WCBOE was to put to and end this wasteful spending. That’s for nothing John Palmer,

    September 12, 2020 at 10:52 AM

    those 2 schools are in bad need of repairs and its been put off for years. Its about time it got done, John Palmer did the right thing, like it or not. Now i would agree with the spending on stupid stuff needs to be cut. I don't think the BOE should be additional money, they already get a good chunk of the money going into Wicomico County with little to no oversight. That needs to change pronto, the tax payers deserve accountability of where all the money is going and being spent on through the BOE!

  5. Hahaha. They don't want to open schools. Teacher's threaten to strike. Most our being taught at home. But let's spend MILLIONS on another new school. LMAO. SUCKER'S!!!!

  6. Wait a minute. What is this online schooling thing actually works. Do you all understand how much money can be saved in expenses? No school buildings to maintain, the board is very heavy handed; can cut some of that. It would be in the millions of saved tax payers money. You could still have some athletic fields. Schools are outdated. So much technology out here. We should embrace it.

    1. While technology may work, that doesn't necessarily make it the best option. Forcing kids and teachers to sit in front of a screen for 7+ hours a day is going to create horrible health problems. Also, socializing is a key component of development which is overwhelmingly limited without coming together in a classroom. Social media does not equal socializing.

  7. Who will use these buildings? Certainly not the students!

  8. Wherethe hell is Psota on this? Why haven't we heard from him!?

  9. Attention 10:52 AM - instead of simply ranting namelessly on this blog why don't you contact me in person and we'll discus your issues? Please have your list of "wasteful spending items" available so that we can discuss facts not what you think are facts. Should anyone else wish to discuss 10:52 AM's concerns please feel free to join us. John Palmer, Delmar, Md.

  10. 4:28 - It is the parents job to raise their children, and this includes socialization. The school's job is instruction. Both of my children have been home and online like everyone else's. I planned things for all of us to do around my work and their school schedule. It just takes thought and commitment.


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