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Monday, September 07, 2020

Website Behind Hit Piece Claiming Trump Called Dead Troops ‘Losers’, Owned By A Biden Mega-Donor, Laurene Jobs

There is no question that President Trump has his political opponents, on both sides of the isle, frustrated, emotional and prone to making outlandish mistakes.

Last week the known leftist/globalist publication ‘The Atlantic” published a shockingly absurd article, featuring anonymous ‘sources,’ entitled ‘Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers.’

There are plenty of things you can attack President Trump on as the man is not perfect, but his respect for the troops and law enforcement is not one of them. If anything, those who say that he listens to, and trusts the Military Industrial Complex TOO much, have more of a point.

Fox News reporter destroyed the fake hit piece.


  1. Democrats Waisting their time with all their LIES , we ALL know better !!

  2. Trump has an issue with needing a filter. That is for sure. But I do not believe for one minute he said this. He has done more for our troupes then Obama. He has been to Dover many, many times to great a casket. This is not something he would do and it is fake news. Hopefully enough people with know this and see the media for what it is. We should be very concerned right now about what kind of people are controlling this movement. They are literally burning down cities. Peoples businesses. If we put those kind of people in charge, what is next? Trump 20/20. I don't care if you like him or not. You must vote against what Biden is standing for. Period. Preserve small business. Once that is gone, we are all screwed.

  3. It's all BULLSHIT. Just like everything else they tried to put on the President. What pisses me off is FOX NEWS. All weekend long the Jew ball jennifer griffin reporting that she has sources that say he did say it. Then the entire NEVER TRUMP Fox News reporters started defending her when the President pushed back. Bret Baier, Martha Mcgowan, Chris Wallace and the entire weekend cast of characters. They all defended Griffin. Saying she has great sources. She has impeccable integrity. Like she could never be WRONG. Considering her husband works for ABC. They have done nothing but made fool's of themselves.

    1. if she has them cough them up..... lets see it now not after the election... for right now Ill call her a lair till she does

    2. Right on 12:48. But she doesn't. Fox news must get rid of these NEVER trumpers reporting FALSE information. Send them to CNN.

  4. The good president has replaced Teflon Don. Go Trump!

    1. Who have you replaced?? Monica??

  5. No one believes the story. Even the democrats who are making a big deal out of it don't believe it. biden the other day tried to pretend it infuriated him but his bad acting showed he wasn't one bit angry because even that putrid brain dead pervert fool knows it all lies.

  6. I've got news for you... we believe the story because we've watched and herd him say the exact same things about John McCains time in a Vietnam prison camp, about George H.W. Bush's being shot down during the war and so many other instances of verbal vomit. He's now turned a large percentage of the military and their families against him. Every reporter involved in or commenting on this story has fact-checked. Those anonymous sources are not anonymous to the writers, editors, fact-checkers and lawyers of those sources and as Ms. Griffin reported yesterday, they are also known to tRump. Teflon no more... this one sticks and it's taking him and all of his down-ballot enablers with him.

    1. McCain was a traitor. He killed more sailors than the Vietnamese. He should have been in Leavenworth. But his Daddy and grandpa were admirals. Maybe you should do some in-depth research before repeating what you heard.

  7. Gosh, I sure am glad I don't have a subscription to The Atlantic.

  8. “On July 29, 1967, the spoiled brat McCain pulled a prank and wet-started his jet while aboard the USS Forrestal,” it said. “The huge flame created touched off a bomb on the plane behind him which led to more bombs going off from other parked planes, which then led to the deaths of 134 sailors. McCain did nothing to help during the fire.”

    Of course the MSM was trashing him when he ran against Obummer but he became a great hero once he opposed Mr Trump.

    1. Thank you for posting FACTS. To many come here and post what they heard from CNN without research. Then he gets shot down and SINGS LIKE A BIRD!! From other POW's who spoke ON THE RECORD.

  9. McCain hated honorable VETERANS who served with distinction. Look how piss poor the VA was run for 60 years by McCain?? Look what President Trump has done for the Vet's in 4 years?? You tell me which one takes care of VETERANS??

  10. Biden gets the Blame for his Propaganda , Along with Harris !!! Period


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