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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Wawa is offering free coffee for teachers & school staff for the rest of September

Every Wawa store is now offering free any size coffee (one per visit) to all teachers, faculty members and school administrators from September 8 through September 30.

This offer is extended to teachers, members of the faculty, school administrators and support personnel. These individuals can simply share with an associate at the register that they work for a school to receive their free coffee.


  1. Staff? Janitorial, secretaries, etc? They’ve been working hard.

  2. Parents, Grandparents, daycare staff? After all, the kids are not in school, but at home, so all of these should be included also.

  3. Why just them? I work hard every day all year long, Covid 27 or not. Where's my free sh!t?

  4. It says school staff so that would include them as well

  5. Because it is a game. I'm sure a study somewhere shows if a teacher is given a free coffee, they are likey to spend x amount of dollars in the store. This isn't because wawa likes teachers. Come on.

  6. Teachers are still getting paid with all of their benefits. They’ve not had to worry for one minute about their jobs. Restaurant and service workers should be getting the discount.

    1. You have no clue what you are talking about. Every person including teachers in Dorchester County that work for the school system was put on notice that furloughs and lay offs were coming. Teachers are working their butt off right now. Stop speaking about stuff you know nothing about. In fact, teachers deserve to make more. I wish people would stop belly aching. If you want a free coffee go tell wawa you are a teacher. So dumb. Most teachers probably won't even get the free coffee anyway.

    2. As soon as we see better results in test scores and ACTUAL HISTORY being taught then maybe we can talk about getting more money. Unlike restaurant workers you all get a furlough day and a layoff in which you can collect unemployment. Most restaurant workers aren't full time so they don't qualify for unemployment. Take your liberal teachers need more to produce less BS somewhere else. Everyone is tired of your same song and dance. Seeing as you all didn't work most of last year you think the tax payers will be getting a refund of that money we pay for teachers salaries??? I won't be holding my breath to see that.

  7. Being these comments aren’t amounting to much, let me add. I work hard and don’t drink coffee. It’s just a token of appreciation people. People complain about anything and everything. Maybe one day you will be recognized if worthy.

    1. 9:58
      Please don’t tell us you are an English teacher.
      Just keep it to yourself.

  8. Thanks from a teacher, Wawa!

  9. 9:58. Wow. Enjoy your coffee. You are worthy. Your students await your instruction. Get over yourself.

  10. September 9, 2020 at 10:20 AM

    wait you all cried about being exposed to covid yet your willing to go to wawa and expose employees there for a free cup of jo

  11. So teachers get free coffee for doing the same thing they've been doing since April, which is sit on their ass in their pajamas at home. People who have worked every day or people that are still going without a paycheck due to totalitarian restrictions get squat. BS!

    1. Show me a teacher who has done this? How about you give it a try. Man, no wonder these kids act like animals in the school. It's obvious the lack of respect is being taught at home.

    2. I agree that's what a lot of teachers did in the spring but I can promise you right now teachers are working more than ever. Between the live Zoom meetings, turning all work into digital work, contacting kids and parents all day about technology issues, documenting eeevvvveerrryyyttthhhiinnnggg. Teachers are working now. Many more than they ever had to in the actual classroom.

  12. Free coffe for teachers?

    What the heck, that's like Obummer getting Nobel for doing absolutely nothing!

    1. If teachers are doing nothing, and you child is deficient; Then why are you sending them to school? Sounds like you have some issues you need to work through.

  13. Essential workers that get paid for not working and get free coffee. The most common medical retirement for teachers is Bipolar disorder.

  14. And if you don't drink coffee then your sh!t out of luck
    Isn't that then considered a form of discrimination ?
    Equality anybody ?

  15. Teachers asking for their coffee via Zoom.

  16. All good comments teachers do not deserve a free cup of coffee they're being paid to sit on their arses and do nothing but fill the kids heads with useless indoctrination marxist bull!! why aren't the WAWA, walmart, foodlion employees getting a break since they've been working since day one of this democrat/china false flag. DEFUND!!! public education now!!! issue vouchers!!!

  17. Free coffee for LEOs - they are always on the job, no matter the circumstances.

    Now establishments could sponsor schools (all workers) with free coffee. Free advertising at the students and other adults, day in and day out. That works in the marketing world ALL the time.


  18. Its In The Good Ole USA ! ..Surly you all remember ..how something free always gets turned sideways,upside down ,back ways ,and each and every other ways ! ..( free cells ring a bell )

  19. Do the local liquor stores give a free miniature to pour in the coffee? They're gonna need it.

  20. Now I am a teacher. Thanks WaWA!

  21. Joe...may want to do some diggin, but there are major mice problems in several Wicomico county schools. Have heard rumors of a late sept/early oct return for students due to major incentives for the county, but they better get the rodents under control BC that’s more of a health hazard than the wuhan flu is.

  22. Once again you dumbocrats have shot your own foot.

    Lockdowns to get rid of Trump? Backfire! Now the people are strting to realize how useless and grossly overpaid teachers are.

    Private schools and homeschooling is the wave of the future!

    Ridiculous taxes to pay for these bloated education bureaucracies with pathetic results? Enough is enough!

  23. Why can’t people just be nice and appreciative of a kind gesture? Does everything including an offer of coffee require division?

  24. I watched zoom lessons on Tuesday and I can tell you one thing, there isn’t much discipline at home. Kids I saw were out of their seats, calling out and making noises, etc. Can’t blame that one on the teacher. Baby mommas were right there in the room doing nothing. And they have the nerve to complain.

    1. At least the teachers can hit the mute button for now. Not so much during live instruction.

  25. Wawa also requires employees to wear Black Lives Matter pins, buttons, t-shirts, hats and facemasks.

    F*** Wawa!

  26. Offer coffee to POLICE too !!!

    1. Lol...why give police anything for free when they have total legal immunity to steal or kill anyone they want regardless...

  27. why was coffee distributed? it should have been a mask because of the covid19 virus season. handing out coffee is good, but masks are better. complete coffee information

  28. Coffee for White Lives Matter !!!!

  29. Wish I was a teacher....maybe I can identify as a teach while actually going to work 10 hours a day, 6 days every week!!! They have it tough at home....really stressful....LOL give me a break!

  30. why???? they have not worked up until 1 week before school open, they kept their paychecks and their bennies and tooo scared to go back to work ..... why?????

    1. Not all of us...some of us aren't libtards.

  31. how about all the teachers that have gone back to work for in person teaching only !!!!!!

    1. Free coffee for me it is...not my fault Wicomico won't let students in for me to teach them. I'm there a full day every weekday waiting expectantly for these fearful people at the BOE and union to see the light and bring kids back.

  32. And every freebie seeking fool will be in there claiming to be a teacher, secretary, janitor, school bus driver, etc, etc. I lefts my i d home.


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