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Sunday, September 06, 2020

Video: Chelsea Clinton, The Poster Child For Privilege, Says That She Wants To See ‘White Children of Privilege’ ‘Erode that Privilege’ Over Time

Chelsea Clinton, the former First Daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton says that she is working hard to teach her kids to ‘erode’ their ‘white privilege.’ This is particularly ironic coming from Chelsea who lives in the longest apartment in New York City according to LuxuryLaunches.com.

Hillary’s daughter paid $10,000,000 for the pad at the age of thirty three. I think it is fair to assume Chelsea owes much of her success and fortune, to the privilege of being a Clinton. Thus it is … ‘interesting’ to hear her discussing privilege seeing as she seems to have no qualms benefiting from her own.

In an interview with Democrat Congresswoman, Ayanna Pressley, Chelsea discussed just how oppressed women, blacks, native Americans and others are in the United States and how their voting rights were still not secure:


  1. To be clear:

    She is referring to CAUCASIANS, not herself.

  2. Basically they want to rob the middle class and keep it for themselves justified by using the mythical privilege argument they invented

  3. Trying to make herself relevant. No one cares what Yellow Teeth and Oil Slick hair and face says. She needs to concern herself with her own personal hygiene. You can look at her and tell she smells putrid.
    She's as ugly on the inside too. Grandchildren or not what decent human being would ever allow their child around the pervert bill. You know he's thinking dirty thoughts when his grand daughter is on his lap. Perverts don't care it's their own flesh and blood.

  4. Don't take me for a fan of the Clinton's but recognizing your privilege doesn't mean selling all your earthly possessions and living as a monk.

    1. 9:31 am. Do you even know what Chelsea is talking about. Her privileges are far different than yours. She graduated from college that she got into because of her name. She got a job right out of college making unheard of amount of money. Her wedding was huge and paid for by taxpayers. Her apartment/condo takes up a whole New York City block. What privilege is she willing to give up.
      She wants you to give up your privileges - do your privileges even come close to hers!
      Let's not give up our Freedoms. Vote Trump 2020🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

    2. She didn’t say to recognize your privilege. She wants it eroded. Very different.

  5. Your parents belong in jail and you belong in an asylum.

  6. Just like her mother- she takes hypocrisy to an alternate level.

  7. Hillary bore that Child only because of the devil's pact she made with Bill. They needed an heir to their doings. Just one.

  8. Those people don't even have a clue as to what reality is!

  9. She isn’t Bill’s child! In name only.

  10. Trump winning destroyed the Clinton dynasty forever. She will never be in the White House again. Damn pesky voters putting trump in. How Dare They

    1. 9:58 Trump put her out of the wH but Biden will let her in. She has already started she would work for Biden. She really means help pull the puppet strings. Trump 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    2. Great thing is, little Joey will never ever see the inside of our house again. And that goes for the fat failure and clan. Ain’t it fun. Not even for a invitation, never get one. Done lol

  11. Are you people really this stupid. Clinton is specifically saying she has lived a privledged life, along with her kids, and she is trying to keep them from thinking that all people have it as easy as she did. What is wrong with you clowns? So blinded by petty partisan bull you can't even see straight.

    1. No no, I don't think so 10:01

    2. 10:01 how do you change privilege. We are not dumb. No matter what Chelsea teaches her kids about privilege it will not change anything. Just look at the Kennedy's - the Obama girls. These kids know they are "special". Is Chelsea teaching her kids there are poor people and you my darlings are royality. who is the Democratic clown now 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  12. Watch a chip off the old fat failed whatever.


  13. I believe her. She wants it to end about the same time she kicks the bucket.

  14. How come she never acknowledged her half brother, who is a little short on white privilege?


  15. She needs a hearing test. She's totally tone deaf!

    She's led a pampered life since she took her first breath. And if she ever lifted a finger to assist anyone it would be documented and publicized. Her husband is the son of two congress critters; his dad was convicted and jailed for financial crimes.

    Carter lost his spot as Worst President to Obama, but he has earned some points by hands-on helping with housing construction.

    Mrs. Bill Clinton's offspring brings no virtues to the table.

  16. Chelsea is privileged enough to have her own magazine. Mad magazine. With her face on the cover.

  17. " Anonymous said...
    Chelsea is privileged enough to have her own magazine. Mad magazine. With her face on the cover.

    August 31, 2020 at 12:19 PM"

    You know what that's all about. hideous looking chelsea looks just like clinton friend web huble. bill probably ordered hilary to spread her smelly legs for web and make a baby for a political photo op. bill wasn't about to sleep with the rank skank hilary. He wouldn't even have married her if not for her submissive to men personality. he would have much rather been with the still beautiful gennifer flowers but knew gennifer wasn't about to be controlled like the all obeying slave to men hilary. if she had been elected prez there would have been a non stop delivery of cigars to the white house for bill to use on all the young interns.

  18. Her kids are probably nowhere near the $10 million pad. Too dangerous in the dead city.

  19. Who actually listens to this twitt?? Her parents are so freaking sleazy and corrupt. Her father is a pedophile. Her mother is a handler of a pedophile. Her father degraded woman his entire life. Her mother has helped him. They both have SOLD OUT AMERICA. Now this BITCH wants everyone to give up what she has had her entire life. Practice what you preach you spoiled BITCH.

  20. She's a Jew, and just like the Jews at the protest they hate the Gentile Christian whites and when you hear this understand they do not include themselves.

    The sad part is you goofy Gentile Christians love nothing more than falling at their feet and worshipping them because Scolfield released a version of the Bible that told you they had a higher favor to the creator than a beast like you.

  21. What a hypocritical little White bitch of a White bitch. Like mommy, like bratty daughter.

  22. 10:01...how is she, exactly, teaching her kids to "erode white privilege"?

    Is there a special class in the private school she sends her kids to (that costs more than most people make in a year) to make them feel bad?
    Or does she forgo the Hawaiian vacation and instead make her kids live in the Brooklyn ghettos for 2 weeks?
    Maybe she takes their trust fund and makes them distribute it to single black mother with 4 kids?
    How about make them drive a Chevy (oh God!! please no!!)- a used one that they have to fix a lot??
    Ooooh, here it is -- make them take a $65,000 month long safari trip to Africa to see some REAL black people. In air-conditioned Land Rovers, with guides and guns, so the black people don't get TOO close.
    I got it -- make them get real jobs -- you know, ones where they don't get paid $800,000 at age 22 because they want to erode their privilege??
    Or does she just serve frozen dinners to them for 2 years?
    I am waiting to hear ONE THING (other than her pious BS) she has ACTUALLY DONE to help her children "erode their privilege". TALKING to them is NOT impressing me, rich girl.
    SHE and her offspring will NEVER give up anything in their rich privileged life. Nothing.
    They want YOU to sacrifice and give.
    And you goofs don't see any hypocrisy or self absorbed psych issues.

  23. 9:26 pm well said
    She has empathy.

  24. Democrats pay groups to target supposedly the rich and elites but instead attack poor working class people while the elites are in Hamptons and the like living it up.

  25. Affirmative Action gives ONLY the Blacks ALL the Privilage in America !!!
    Whites already have Nothing !!!


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