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Friday, September 11, 2020

US Air Force tests ‘unstoppable’ robot dogs to defend bases

The US Air Force has drafted creepy, faceless robot dogs to prepare for combat.

The futuristic four-legged friends were deployed to Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada last week as part of a security exercise to scout for threats before soldiers are exposed to them, military officials said.

For one exercise, the pooches kept watch on the base as the forces rearmed and refueled on the ground.

“The dogs give us visuals of the area, all while keeping our defenders closer to the aircraft,” Sgt. Lee Boston said in a statement.

The robot hounds are just one part of the Advanced Battle Management System, which uses artificial intelligence to detect and counter threats.


  1. Next, the Cheetah-Monkey....

  2. Yeah they wish. More psyop rhetoric designed to impart a feeling of invulnerability to any preparing to revolt against tyranny. If it were true no one would know about it.

  3. FCS....future combat Soldier.look it up army program for a human like AI. combat robot

  4. What the haven't told the public about is the robot fleas the robot dogs carry around, the ones with cameras, microphones and working mouth parts that can inject disabling chemicals with their bites. And then there are the robot spiders...

  5. @539 We can't even get a copy of Windows that isn't bugging out much less them creating a Terminator with sophisticated AI and some miracle power supply that will both power the processors that would be needed to control that sophisticated AI and the mechanical parts to move it around. Take note they show a photograph of a very simple four legged creation with what appears to be a camera system. There is no video of it actually moving around nor any demonstration of its capabilities. I could literally build that in a garage, snap a picture, and then claim it has advanced capabilities as well. Whatever the case that isn't unstoppable. That hunk of junk would cease to move in short order.

  6. Like anything else designed by the military. Defective. Overpriced. Will be used against citizens.


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