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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Tucker Carlson blasts Pelosi over visit to shuttered San Francisco hair salon

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., "ripped science apart like a State of the Union address" by visiting a San Francisco hair salon Monday for a wash and blowout without a mask, Tucker Carlson told his viewers Tuesday.
"She has wet hair, she is not wearing a mask, but she was indoors," said the "Tucker Carlson Tonight" host, describing security footage of Pelosi's visit that was obtained by Fox News. "She was almost alone, because due to coronavirus regulations, salons in San Francisco are closed to services."
Carlson continued, "Nancy Pelosi went inside. She can do that because she is the Speaker of the House, third in line to the presidency. You cannot because you don't have as much power as Nancy Pelosi."
In the footage, which is timestamped at 3:08 p.m. PT, the California political powerhouse is seen walking through San Francisco's eSalon with wet hair and without a mask over her mouth or nose.


  1. She needs to be removed from office for abuse of power, have her assets investigated into if their aquisition was due to similar abuses. Have her government pension/benefits stripped and forced to work a minimum wage job for the foreseeable future until she can repay the tax dollars she has wasted on her pet projects while in office.

  2. She had more than a wash and blowout.

    1. She was getting her hairy legs cleaned ; like Biden at the Pool

  3. And she wants the salon to apologize to her?! #liberallogic

  4. Last week tucker eluded to having audio recordings that were damaging to Chris Cuomo that would be played this week on his show. I haven’t been able to see it this week. Did he play them? What’s the issue? I love the way tucker makes Fredo look like the colossal guido douchebag that he is

  5. I bet most women who couldn't get a haircut during the lockdown would have jumped at the chance if their hairdresser had offered a solo appointment at the salon.

  6. Prime example why thee should be NO law passed which allows any Politian to be exempt from the enforcement of the law.

  7. Bob Aswell ....RealistSeptember 2, 2020 at 11:15 PM

    My God men. Don't stop Pelosi from professional help on any level. Maybe if they try hard, they'll be able to reach the bottom layer of 50 years of dried make-up and hair dye for black-in her case 'Gray Roots'. If you deny her this attention you are playing with some poor unsuspecting person's life. You know a dose of her un-redacted could surely be lethal.
    I'd hate to meet her Husband in a dark alley because he's indestructible.Can you all realize the trauma he faced in the act of sex with her FIVE times? He'd rip your head off and suck your brains out I'd say and never break a sweat. Better man than me all around. I'd need my Mom there.

  8. fyi, she's second in line for POTUS.

  9. She knows its a hoax. Her party and china started covid to trip up trump and distract us from the upcoming attempt at election theft. She is a lying hypocrite CANNOT BE TRUSTED

  10. Pelosi represents the old school politicians who wants you to believe they are working for you but it’s all bout them. They want to own an issue but not solve the problem. Her old methods haven’t changed in years. Think bout it - it’s always the same- all Republicans bad - Democrats good. She is the one responsible for dividing the country. She is the hater that spreads the hate, without fail every time she speaks. I can’t think of any politician I despise more than her.

  11. The poor thing confused the word 'Salon' with 'Saloon"! LOL

  12. same with de blasio dinning at out of state businesses

  13. She has Done much worse than that , like using Private jets to sail around the world at Taxpayer expense !!! FACT Caught then too &
    Nothing Done to her then either !!! Make her Pay it all Back !!!

  14. She most likely Bills even her Hair-do to us taxpayers , like ALL else she
    always does !!! She thinks she is QUEEN of America , She is WRONG !

  15. She needs to get those Dentures adjusted , that's Another set up !!!!

  16. She is an example of Why 2 Term Limits for ALL are a MUST !!!


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