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Monday, September 07, 2020

Trump accuses Democrats, ‘Fake News Media’ of joining forces to spread lies

President Trump on Sunday accused the Democrats of being in cahoots with the “Fake News Media” to conduct a false information campaign about him in the run-up to this November election, following reports that he disparaged America’s war dead.
“The Democrats, together with the corrupt Fake News Media, have launched a massive Disinformation Campaign the likes of which has never been seen before. They will say anything, like their recent lies about me and the Military, and hope that it sticks,” the president wrote on Twitter.
“But #MAGA gets it!” he said, referring to his Make American Great Again supporters.


  1. tRump is the king of cancel culture.

    1. The FAGS of wicomico are back. Just like the BLACKS. Have so much hate they don't understand who does for them and who doesn't. If you're BLACK or GAY you must vote dumocrat. ASININE FOOL'S.

    2. Trump is the only thing standing between you and the poverty Democrats will bring with communism

  2. Social Media is just as FAKE as MSM news. Anyone can say anything without credentials,references,resources or checked facts. It's a Tower of Babel of rabid opinion. It applies here as well. I return only to read some of the most ridiculous ill informed butt hurt and psychotic notions to copy and paste them in an equally ridiculous Blog of my own.

  3. Joining forces??!

    They're two headed conjoined twins, inextricably connected, sharing organs meant for one. The ills of one are the ills of both. When one leash is pulled, both follow.

  4. Whenever i heard the news this weekemd its all they talked about another nothing burger from the twisted reversve logic of the lying luciferian left machine. Why dont you tell us how biden or hillary feel about patriots..but we already know that answer butt "what does it matter"

  5. 2:37 your BLOG is ridiculous. At least Joe allows comments

  6. The Democrat party is an arm of the main stream media, not the other way around.


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