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Thursday, September 17, 2020

TRUE PATRIOTISM… Mike Ditka to NFL Kneelers: “If You Can’t Respect this Country – Get the Hell Out of It”

Mike Ditka blasted the America-haters in the NFL this week.

Ditka had a message for the the National Anthem kneelers — “If you can’t respect this country get the hell out of it.”

The Chicago Bears legend and NFL Hall of Famer has said in the past he opposes players kneeling for the national anthem. Now again, following the start of the 2020 season, Ditka voiced his displeasure with the protest. Football’s football. It’s not a complicated thing. You’re playing the game, you’re enjoying the game. You don’t like the game, get out of it. It’s not for protesting one way or the other. What color you are, what you think, this or that. You play football. That’s it. You’re privileged. You got a gift from God that you can play the game because you got a body you can do it with. I don’t really understand what you’re protesting. I played the game. I coached the game for a long time. It makes no sense to me.”

He continued: “I would tell those players go to another country and play football there. You don’t have to come out. You don’t have to come out if you go to another country. You can’t! Because the game’s only played in this country. And if you can’t respect this country, get the hell out of it.”


  1. No other country would tolerate them

  2. King George III to colonists: If you can't respect this country get the hell out of it!

  3. American football is played all over the world...

  4. Ditka is an OG boomer

  5. Agreed, done with it.

  6. Wanting something to become better doesn't mean you hate it. Your generation just doesn't have the capacity for change.

  7. Same boomers who will say "My life was hard so we should keep everything the same and not improve anyone elses lives". Selfishness and ignorance all around. From the generation that gave us Nixon and Reagan.

    1. In this case you could not be more wrong. Those of us who are “boomers”, served our country ( did you?) and sacrificed (again, what did you sacrifice?) agree with this comment. You see, little one, that in order to truly appreciate our great nation, sacrifice certainly helps define perspective. When you have lived enough life to appreciate that statement, get back to the rest of us.

    2. I served as well as my father and grandfather. As a vet, you should know part of your service was so that people in this country would have the right to peaceful protests. The rights people had to storm state houses while armed months ago. You can’t pick and choose acceptable protest based on your racism and bigotry. No one is disrespecting the ‘flag’, stop that false narrative. It’s about social justice and if you keep ignoring what they are protesting, you will see more rioting, more police being murdered and further division. Stop racism. Period.

    3. 819 you do realize that there are plenty of folks qho ha e served their country who agree and support the protests. You buffoons are too dense to realize that practicing one's first amendments rights when one sees something wrong is the 100% patriotic thing to do.

  8. It's not about the game you insufferable old coots

    1. 12:48 - it is exactly about the game... the fact that it is a game meant to entertain. It is not cart blanche for political statements. It is a game played to entertain, not coddle to crybaby athletes who are disrespectful to those who sacrificed so they could play the game and make ridiculous amounts of money. Check the comments of the infantryman below, who at 37 has his shit squared away. Then get your head out of your ass.

    2. When did protesting humanity become a ‘political statement’? You people want blacks to shut up and play. Well, it’s 2020, nobody is buck dancing for your entertainment anymore. These athletes are using their platform to speak out for theirselves and family members. Because they are rich doesn’t mean they aren’t subjected to racism or stereotyping. From these comments and lack of understanding and empathy, I cannot imagine why any black person would ever vote Republican.

  9. Too many hits to the head.

  10. This guy has it right, I have stopped watching these privileged bastards. After all the blood and lives lost by those protect our freedom and way of life the least they can do and show respect. This is not the place to protest as they are looked upon by many as examples, especially the young ones. They get enough of the wrong issues taught in our schools and colleges by the liberals.. It is a damn shame how this once really great nation with the majority of the citizens showed respect for one another except for a few. Their brains, if they really have one have been trahed. All you have to do is look at idiots like Pelosi and Schumer and you get the message.

    1. 12:54
      Thank you for your service.

      Unfortunately in the past 100 years the US population has been lied to and manipulated by a corrupt and immoral government. At least since 1913.

      The wars have been immoral, like the leaders. There is nothing to be proud about in the US Military’s recent past. Nothing at all.

  11. I guess the colonies should have listened to George III when he told them the same thing...?

  12. if not for Welfare, EBT cards, Section 8 housing or football

    Most blacks ⚫ 🙄 cannot make it in life

    1. More whites are on welfare than blacks. Just take a look at the numbers in the red states.

  13. Good man....old schooool.

  14. Iron Mike to the rescue!

  15. 12:54 the entire point of a protest is to disrupt the norm. What's the point of a protest if it's done within the confines of a time and place? You're a moron

    1. Hopefully the new norm will be a bankrupt nfl, they'll deserve it

  16. Right ON !!! They can Get the HELL Out !!

  17. Hey 12:48, exactly so leave it the hell out of the game, that is the point here. I'm Gen X I guess or whatever category. 37 yr. old, combat vet, born and raised on the shore, lived abroad...globally. Also a college grad and its bullshit kneeling for the anthem. You don't step on the flag for those who didn't make it home defending it, like 11 of my brothers, you stand for the flag for those whom can't because they've lost limbs defending it, you don't erase history to remember those who gave all for your freedom! This is America, if you're a true American start acting like it. Enough of this BLM, Antifa, racist bullshit! Real Americans have balls no matter what your race because the last time I checked as I served as an infantryman in the early push along the rivers in Iraq we were all green and bled RED!! Start acting like Americans. Again 12:48 the problem is it should be about the game, not politics so wake the f*ck up, grow a pair, and appreciate your freedoms that have been PROVIDED to you.

    1. 7:11 Well said and thank you for your service.

    2. You have a military mentality, that's cool but that shit don't work here on the shore. For those of us who did serve we volunteered to do so. Bro the point of get out if you don't like it is the problem. Why get out instead of fixing it? I think any black person whether they're from the hood or the burbs would say all they want is equality. It's not about the aholes burning and rioting. C'mon man how many blacks live in Portland? It's crazy you think real life is like the military. Ain't no regular people dying for no country. That's why you have to volunteer

  18. Stop the bs its never been about disrespecting the flag! damm

    1. Then why do it during the anthem? Why not do it somewhere else on their own time?

  19. No one owns Patriotism, no political party owns Patriotism.

    This is a reframing of the point, so that the point doesn't have to be addressed. It's fake and false outrage, and it's dishonest.

    Recognizing that there are issues that need improving on does NOT mean someone hates this country, it means they love this country enough to want to make it better.

    America represents liberty and freedom, including free speech. Think about what is being said here. "You better think and speak the way I do, and if you don't, you get out of this country". This opinion is the very antithesis of what America is, means, and stands for. How does one claim they are a "patriot" when holding an opinion that is the very antithesis of what it means to be American?

    The point of kneeling was to be respectful, but to voice a protest. The recommendation of kneeling came from a player who was a veteran, who supported the protest, but wanted to remain respectful to the Anthem.

    Anyone presenting this in any other light is purposefully changing the story, and is lying to you.

    1. 8:55 Yea sorry I say bullshit. No one wants to be told by a black millionaire that America needs to change for blacks because they’re suffering. You know why they’re suffering? Because of the culture they choose to live by. No one is holding anyone back you blind fool.

    2. Thank you! People still want to make this about disrespecting the flag though they have been told thousands of times...IT’S NOT ABOUT THE FLAG! The people who refuse to accept that are the people with vested interest in racism.

  20. Too many Black players in ALL sport making
    them Ritch , & they are still not satisfied !

    This is Discrimination against Whites & there
    needs to Laws to make it a 50% mix on all
    sports !!!

  21. The kneeling was started by Kapernick and he was absolutely not a veteran. Kneeling on a flag has nothing to do with what they are protesting. When you look at the true narrative and not a bunch of lies and misplaced anger one can clearly see this a fabrication. Harvard University is just one of the major colleges that put out raw data showing this whole police brutality and the police are hunting Blacks is laughable. This poor deprived race aborts 900 children a day. There will be thousands of young Black man killed this year by other young Black man. Please explain how racism plays any role in this behavior. Yes more shootings and murders take place in Black communities so police action will always be were the trouble is. When you have thousands of gun toting thugs running the streets Ray Charles can see that is where armed conflicts will take place. You liberals will never openly discuss or debate this fact because it just does not fit your agenda. I have not conflict with peaceful protest. The burning of neighborhood businesses and violent assaults should be met with force and arrest. If you do not like the laws of the land find yourself a new place to live. This 13% of our population wants 87% to submit to their rules. Guess what that will never happen. Sorry I do not agree with your millionaire ballers who live better than 90% of hard working Americans. What about all the races in America living check to check. So you see 8:55 you are living a lie. Maybe if the 13% cleaned up their own house first and stood tall the rest would be glad to listen. I see professional Blacks working in every field America has to offer. How did this happen with this made up systematic racism that you all claim. Trump will win this election by a landslide. So my advice to you is go elsewhere America is strong and free. The silent majority wins that is how democracy works.

    Love it or leave it. America will not kneel to crime and violence of any form. That is just not how it is done.


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