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Sunday, September 06, 2020

Thousands sign petition to replace Confederate statue with Chadwick Boseman memorial in his hometown

Thousands are signing onto a petition pushing for a Confederate statue in Anderson, South Carolina, to be replaced by a memorial for actor Chadwick Boseman, who was born there.
The petition, which was posted online over the weekend, has racked up more than 6,300 signatures in the past two days.
“Mr. Boseman is without question an American treasure and his accolades go on and on. It is only fitting that his work is honored in the same place that birthed him,” the petition states, adding: “As fellow citizens go about their day they should have a face that sees all people as equal. That sees all citizens regardless of outward appearance as a member of the Anderson community.”


  1. Total bs. No actor is worthy of a st@tue in their honor. What he did he did for money and nothing else.

  2. Reminds me of a scene in the movie the Ten Commandments.

    Moses comes back from the mountain to find the people worshiping a false god.

    1. Isnt that what every statues is? Was george washington a god? MLK? Davinci? Thats what every statue is.

  3. People just standing around with their thumbs up their butts just watching and accepting all this nonsense. The democratic liberal left is doing all they can to provoke all of you that supposedly are waiting for and you do absolutely nothing. You just got punk'd, AGAIN!!

  4. @3:05 James Dean has a statue in LA and he was only in 3 whole movies. Elvis Presley has multiple statues across the South. Philadelphia has a statue for Rocky Balboa, a fictional character. Got a problem with any of those statues? You guys are just pathetic racists.

  5. Go ahead give Boseman a statue if you see fit. Doesn't mean you need to take down the other statue. Got to believe it relates much more to South Carolina's history than Boseman does. Hey everybody gets a trophy.

  6. 334 they would rather have statues honoring folks who took up arms against the US and the Constitution. Meanwhile out the other side of their mouths, they say kneeling during the anthem is a cardinal sin. Don't worry, everyone else is just as confused by their nonsense as well. lol

    305 Dope, you obviously have no clue about this man's record. lol

  7. 3:34

    Gosh are you stupid.

  8. Create the Boseman Memorial Museum and put it there.

  9. 3:34

    I never even heard of this guy until it was all over the lame stream media.

    What did he do that deserves a statue of himself?

    1. @4:21 He was in 4 of the biggest blockbuster movies of the last 4 years.

      You not knowing him says more about you being completely out of touch than it doesn't Boseman's popularity.

    2. Fiction is fiction, in a movie or in a book. Acting is just that too, acting. Some people only care about real life and don't have time to waste watching someone else's imagination playing out on film. I am one of those people 7:38.

  10. 25500 population, 34% black, 6300+ names on the petition.

  11. If all of history is being removed because it offends someone then no other statues should be erected because they are going to offend some other person. I know of lots of statues that should be removed not just the ones the Democrats picked out!!!

  12. Not saying he does or doesn't deserve one, but why can't they have both statues?

  13. I think it would be cool to see a cartoon black panther statue. Probably belongs at Disney but whatever.

  14. A statue to a Bi-sexual actor that died from rectal cancer, gee I wonder how he got that!

    1. Not the way you and your dad are working on getting it. You sick bastard

  15. Rectum cancer, from rectum sex. Just the kind of guy to build a statue to.

    1. Wow. Well then expect to get mouth cancer cause the way you talk sounds like you know alot about mouth sex

  16. Anonymous said...
    @3:05 James Dean has a statue in LA and he was only in 3 whole movies. Elvis Presley has multiple statues across the South. Philadelphia has a statue for Rocky Balboa, a fictional character. Got a problem with any of those statues? You guys are just pathetic racists.

    September 1, 2020 at 3:34 PM

    How are they being pathetic racists?? I bet you can't explain that you racist piece of $hit!!

    You forgot to sign your name your White Coward!

    1. @1:55 They're racist because the idea of a statue for a black actor throws them into a little bitch fit. Calling out people for their racism doesn't make me the racist.

  17. Blogger Fed up said...
    Go ahead give Boseman a statue if you see fit. Doesn't mean you need to take down the other statue. Got to believe it relates much more to South Carolina's history than Boseman does. Hey everybody gets a trophy.

    September 1, 2020 at 4:01 PM

    Exactly! Leave my monuments and statues alone. I don't support a POS loser and marginal actress.

  18. Thousands? You mean only 6300. Trying to make is sound like way more than actual.

    What this story neglects to tell you is that it was an online petition and not a local petition. There should have been hundreds of thousands of online signatures because it was online so 6300 is actually a small number.

    I have friends in Anderson South Carolina and he wasn't that popular there and the people don't want a statue of him. They also want you to leave their Confederate statue alone.

  19. My brother died of a health problem when he was 40. He suffered for many years. He was a kind a gentle person who didn't desire to die so young. I bet you never heard of him or others that are WHITE. White lives matter too.

    1. You just had the opportunity to say his name but you didn't. Whose fault is that? Now you are envious. This man told No one. Dnt blame him because others have made it a public spectacle. You are some cruel ugly miserable sick people on here. Then have the nerve to think that your life and/or opinion matters.

  20. Bozeman is Jewish and that counts for something.
    Just saying. At least it isn’t for a Christian person.

  21. No No No. He was an entertainer (movies) and thats it. False hope (fantasy) movie that moved a demographic. Sad really!

    No statue since there is ZERO relevance compared to statues that made a difference based on American history.

    damn internet has dumbed down America!

  22. 7:38

    So, by you logic, we should have plenty of statues of Charlton Heston or Tom Cruise.

    What an idiot.

  23. This is the sickest thing I have heard. When do we quit bowing to the few and their whiney demands?

  24. Federal Govt needs to OUTLAW Removing ANY statues anymore &
    Replace back the ones already gone !!!! ALL 50 states !!! LAW

  25. What about statues for all the men and women who have died in combat defending the United States? They did it for a hell of a lot less money than Boseman made making movies. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed his movies and appreciated the way he would visit children with cancer. But replacing an historical statue with one of him. Nope. Give him a statue of his own don't tear down somebody elses.


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