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Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Star Parker: Protesters Have Adopted KKK Tactics, Setting Up 'Landslide' Win for Trump

Confrontational leftist demonstrators are going to help President Donald Trump win in a “landslide” in November, Center for Urban Renewal and Education founder Star Parker told Fox News over the weekend.

Parker, a conservative columnist and former House of Representatives candidate, was confident in the president’s chances when she spoke with “Fox & Friends Weekend” — but she also castigated the left for trying to “destabilize our society” by portraying America’s foundations as “evil.”

“I think they’re setting up Donald Trump for a landslide,” she said.



  1. Operation chaos working as planned,Trump 2020.

  2. I hope she is correct. It doesn't appear that way to me currently, buy I hope I'm wrong.

  3. On Monday Nov 2nd my wife and I are buying yet another weapon each. Then on Nov 3rd we will vote for President Trump.

    1. Too late now bub, you should thought about that a year ago, ammunition shortage also.

  4. Highly doubtful. All polling has Biden shellacking Trump in the polls.

    Most people aren't voting for Biden, they simply want Trump out. There is a VERY loyal base for Trump... seemingly unmoved no matter how absurd his behavior.

    It is unprecedented that there are Republican leaders endorsing Biden, a long list of Senators and Congressmen, there are military leaders endorsing Biden, and there are multiple Republican PAC'S working to oust Trump. These things are unique, and unheard of.

    Of course, anything can happen. Trump won via electoral college, even though Hillary won the election, and Biden is polling exceptionally higher than Hillary was. Time will tell.

    1. 19:05 Ok Hillary it’s not 2016 anymore ;)

    2. hogan is endorsing o'biden that's for sure, but he certainly isn't a leader

    3. 1005am..... mommy wants you to come eat

      let us grown-ups run America

  5. Blah..."Star" with the weave and failure with a Congressional run. Another talking head (Repub though) in the news. Retire honey, claim social security benefits since you can now and live the rest of your days.

    Time to allow others to drive Granny!!

  6. 10:05

    If you believe these polls you are a fool. The news media long ago quit reporting news and now tries to create news with their fake polls.

    Hillary didn't win the popular vote if you take out the voter fraud in California alone.

    There where millions more votes cast in certain California counties than there were registered voters, take those out and Trump wins the popular vote too.

  7. KKK is ONLY the Democrats, so don't put it on the Republicans !! Fact

  8. Democrats are the KKK America > Wake Up > Learn History !!!!

  9. The KKK is alive & well with Biden & Pelosi leading the pack 2020 !!!!


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