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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

SICK. Oprah Winfrey’s Book of the Month Compares the US to India’s Caste System and Nazi Germany

The new TOP entry on the Oprah Book Club is a screed that compares the United States to the heirarchical system in India and Nazi Germany.

Oprah Winfrey, a billionaire, is pushing this filth on the country she hates.

“Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” examines race in the United States as a social hierarchy, with African Americans confined to the bottom. The book defines racism in the country as an American caste system, comparing it to social hierarchical systems in India and Nazi Germany.

Oprah Winfrey has announced that “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” by Isabel Wilkerson is not only her latest pick for Oprah’s Book Club, but that it “might be the most important book” she has ever chosen.



  1. Oprah is not what we thought it is time she vacate this country and take Al Sharpton with her maybe she can pay his taxes as she goes to India or Germany which she thinks so much about. I noticed since the 2016 election her and her friend Gayle King are really out there, we ought to never buy into anything thing she is selling or promoting anymore take your current billions somewhere else!!!!!!

  2. This racist completely ignores the fact that if the crap she is pushing was true, we would not have elected the worst president in history (twice) simply because of his skin color...nor would we have Joe selecting his Ho simply because of her skin color...

  3. Fat black entitled hog--has no appreciation for the country and system that made her wealthy. She knows she didn't earn it that's why she is so bitter !

  4. Oprah knows the truth and speaks / writes about in code. As she is instructed to do. Yes, by her handlers in Langley.

  5. Is she a mason/eastern star or just a useful idiot to the luciferian agenda?


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