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Tuesday, September 08, 2020

San Francisco Mayor Calls Trump a 'Terrorist' in Plea To 'Move On' from Pelosi Salon Scandal

The problem is not that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi flouted the rules by visiting a San Francisco salon, it is that President Donald Trump is a “terrorist,” according to San Francisco Mayor London Breed.

“We have a terrorist, we have a dictator who is running this country and Nancy Pelosi is at the forefront fighting against this person every day, you know,” Breed said Friday, according to KGO-TV.

“I’m not trying to excuse what happened. I’m just saying that to allow an issue like this to turn our city upside-down when we got folks who are homeless, we’ve got people who can’t open their business, including these salons, I understand,” the mayor, a Democrat, said.



  1. Americans ALL Know WHO the Terrorists are > The Democrats 2020 !!!

    We will be taking care of that problem soon , on Election Day !!!!

  2. Turned your city upside down SF Mayor London Bridges Falling Down?

    Hey - which city shut down completely first, crippling its economy? (SF) Which city doesn't follow rules (Pelosi - SF)

    Terrorist Mayor? You don't anything to lower the cost of SF - the most expensive major city in the nation.

    Crawl back under your rock London Bridges...

  3. In the 50's these Democrat Traitors would be in Jail & should be Today !!

  4. They caused their own problems... live in it.

  5. Dumbocrats are pathetic!

  6. The Mayor should spend more time cleaning the sh*t in his dirty city.


  7. San Fran Nan is a major hypocrite, just caught on camera this time.

    But her bad hair day is the least of Frisco's problems; it's a sewer and there is no real impetus to correct it.

  8. They coddle homeless people then complain about excessive number of homeless people...


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