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Friday, September 25, 2020

Protesters seen grabbing shields from U-Haul after Breonna Taylor decision

Organized protesters were seen grabbing protective gear and pre-prepared signs from a U-Haul in Louisville, Kentucky, just moments after the announcement that local cops were not being charged in the shooting death of Breonna Taylor.

‘Shields, we got shields!” a woman’s voice shouted as dozens of people rushed over to a rental van parked downtown in the now-viral footage seen more than 4.6 million times Thursday.

A woman was filmed unloading supplies from the back of the U-Haul as others took out shields as well as numerous pre-prepared giant signs, some reading “Abolish the police” and “Abolition now,” the clips show.

Others had anarchy signs, as well as a three-arrow symbol that has been linked to Antifa.

An apparent onlooker was heard saying that it was clear they “came here with a strategy”.


  1. They aren't protestors. They are Rioters. Looters. Criminals.

    1. Im sure you would have been prouder had it been AR-15's

    2. Your Honor..... what is my charge ? " TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES "September 25, 2020 at 6:54 PM


      President Trump will move on this upon 2020 re election

    3. They’re terrorists

  2. Ocean City Police Chief Ross C. Buzzuro is in for a Big surprise this weekend! This evidently could be the end of his long lasting career in Ocean City for him in the wake of things. Black Lives Matter supporters are headed his way daring him and his Police force to conduct traffic stops and arrest! BLM is supporting the H2O event that Police harassment should not be a part of these young drivers to express their cars and themselves. This will be a true test for the Ocean City Police Dept. to not show their Racist and Partisan ways!! Goodbye Buzz cause you are out the door!

    1. Baloney

      Most BLM depend on Public Transportation..... like busses

  3. Soros is funding a subversive army.
    WTF are we paying taxes for again.smash these commie traitors to dirt.
    Defund karl marx army now

  4. Look what I found out on a news source. An initiative started by Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey funded the Bail Project, whose employee was caught driving the U-Haul that provided rioters with shields and equipment in Louisville. i could not go on Twitter as they suspended me 2 months ago with no reason given. Guess I was not the right party!!

  5. 526 BLM is in for a big surprise. Ocean City police department will not be the only law enforcement in town. I wish them the best of luck. They'll need it.

  6. The Eastern Shore is not as LIBERAL a the rest of the STATE. So lets see what Hitler Hogan and his GENERAL MEEHAN is made of.

  7. Should've done a drone strike on that van when everyone ran up to grab that crap.

  8. Until the libutard run cities let the cops unleash fury against these POS. All is lost.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Ocean City Police Chief Ross C. Buzzuro is in for a Big surprise this weekend! This evidently could be the end of his long lasting career in Ocean City for him in the wake of things. Black Lives Matter supporters are headed his way daring him and his Police force to conduct traffic stops and arrest! BLM is supporting the H2O event that Police harassment should not be a part of these young drivers to express their cars and themselves. This will be a true test for the Ocean City Police Dept. to not show their Racist and Partisan ways!! Goodbye Buzz cause you are out the door!

    September 25, 2020 at 5:26 PM

    I'm pretty sure you must be some dumb F'n young Douche Bag punk!! I'm pretty sure Chief Buzzuro and Sheriff Lewis could give a rats a$$ about Black Lives Matter, H20i or YOU!!

    What does "Partisan ways" have to do with anything, Mr. Douche Bag?

    Guess what, HOMO?? You are a F'n PU$$Y!! Now stay in Yo Mommies basement and tell her to microwave you another Hot Pocket!

  10. Anonymous said...
    They aren't protestors. They are Rioters. Looters. Criminals.

    September 25, 2020 at 4:04 PM

    BLM = Burning, Looting and Murdering

  11. These punks got their asses handed to them by the police and it was awesome

  12. They are funded by intelligence.
    Soros is just the face of it.
    He is a character.
    Like the Donald.

  13. Black Lives Matter, Period!!

  14. Who cares about Lewis or Buzzuro anyways?? Both have been retired on Duty for years!! Welfare recipients on the backs of taxpayers!!!

  15. Videos and Lawsuits are coming! Police Brutality at it's best! I just can't wait to see how much money is going to have to be paid out to these victims of this police action!!

  16. Ocean City=Police State!

  17. F--k Buzzuro and Lewis!!

  18. You losers are all talk.

  19. Well planned ahead. Not a spur of the moment thing.Something needs to be done with these terrorists. Shoot a couple of them and watch them scatter like a bunch of rats jumping ship.

  20. LOL 5:26 Wish in one hand and you know what to do with the other. There is no way in hell blm is going to go and save the day for the H2O crowd. Get that asinine idea out of your head right now. There are no Nike stores or places selling flat screens in all of OC. You are on your own and don't you dare forget it.

  21. The only one to blame for Breonna's death is her boyfriend who fired first. He is the poster boy for WHY training is so important if you own a firearm. While it wasn't a bullet he fired he did in fact kill Breonna. he is the ONLY one responsible for her death
    He did everything against what is taught. In this case it was LE but let's just assume he did think it was a home invasion. You DO NOT go out and start shooting like he did. He said they were asleep in the bedroom The first thing they should have done was stayed in the bedroom lock and try and barricade the door while calling 911. Only if that door is breeched do you shoot. But no the stupid SOB had to show off and got her killed as a result The stupid SOB should and needs to SUffER the rest of his miserable life He won't though He will only care until he gets a settlement That is how they roll


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