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Monday, September 07, 2020

Protesters rally in support of Portsmouth Police Chief placed on administrative leave

PORTSMOUTH, Va. - A group of people came out to City Hall on Sunday in support of Police Chief Angela Greene.
Portsmouth Police Chief Angela Greene was placed on administrative leave Friday.
The decision was made weeks after Greene announced that state Sen. Louise Lucas, NAACP members, school board members and public defenders had felony warrants issued in relation to their participation in a June 10 Confederate monument protest where a man was severely injured.
Virginia Beach Attorney Timothy Anderson hosted the event to show support for Chief Greene
"I think the community is sick of watching protesters come in and destroy property and treat police like they're the bad guys and we had a police chief who actually stood up to that and enforced the law she didn't make a law up she enforced a law that was on the books. Because it involved people in high places the city manager decided to suspend her from her job for that which is unbelievably outrageous," Anderson said.
VA Lt. Governor tweeted, about the incident saying, “It’s wrong to target our leaders, particularly our African- American leaders."


  1. No one is above the law, without enforceable laws we will become subject to far worse things than these riots...

  2. The lt gov should have his or her citizen card removed from wherever stored. That has to be to stupidest tweet of all time.

  3. Good for them!

    But the Leftist-supporting NAACP and Governor's office aren't liking it, not one bit.

    Washington Post:
    "Greene’s leave does not immediately affect the status of the criminal charges, which brought Lucas to Portsmouth General District Court on Friday morning for an arraignment — a legally perfunctory appearance that drew Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax (D) to the courthouse in support of Lucas. Fairfax, who presides over the state Senate, spoke to reporters with the senator at his side.

    “You have a whole nation right now that’s crying out for justice,” he told WTKR-TV Friday morning, before Greene’s leave had become public. “Right now Portsmouth can turn an injustice into justice that can be a light for the rest of the country.”

    Michael Massie, an attorney who represents two NAACP leaders and a school board member in the case, said he was optimistic that in Greene’s absence, the police department will abandon efforts to circumvent Portsmouth Commonwealth’s Attorney Stephanie Morales by seeking a special prosecutor."

  4. If political leaders, including "particularly our African- American leaders", aren't held accountable for the crimes they had a major role in, what message does that send to the people, especially to the youth, most especially to the black youth?

  5. Why is this all about skin color?

    Humans destroyed public property and were arrested for it.

    Skin color is not the issue here.

  6. It not about skin color 10:19

  7. 10:19 AM - This happened in a predominantly black city, with black leaders who behaved badly and incited others to do the same. To whom do you think young black people are most likely to be influenced by and emulate?

    Don't be naive. Don't put feelings over reality.


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