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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Positivity rate declines after leading state

Worcester’s test results had been worst, but subsided

Not for the first time, Worcester County has recently recorded the highest positivity rate for coronavirus cases of all Maryland’s 24 jurisdictions.

On Sunday, Sept. 6, Worcester had a seven-day positivity rate of 7.58 percent, more than double the state’s rate of 3.63 percent at that same time.

As of Wednesday, Worcester’s rate had dropped to 5.78 percent, which is the second-highest rate in Maryland behind Caroline County. The state rate has increased slightly to 3.7 percent.

Meanwhile, Johns Hopkins University has reported a state positivity rate of around six percent. Its Covid-19 Testing Insights Initiative relies on data from the Covid Tracking Project, a volunteer tracking organization from The Atlantic.

This differs from the health department positivity rate because Johns Hopkins eliminates duplicate tests.

This week, 64 new cases were confirmed in the county, according to the Worcester County Health Department. Last week, at least 48 new cases were confirmed.

This brings the county’s total cases since March to 906.



  1. Greedy OC businesses lead the way!

  2. And yet ocean city has been open and hospitals are over run.

  3. Yet, nobody died, and the cases were mostly free of symptoms, but don't tell anybody that.

  4. Most of those cases went back to Baltimore and Pennsylvania.

  5. Covid is a smokescreen for a more sinister biological weapon that appears to have descended upon us

  6. Go to website coronavirusbellcurve and look at the graph of daily cases vs daily deaths.

    The number of daily cases keeps going up but the deaths keep going down.



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