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Saturday, September 12, 2020

“No Communista” – Kamala Harris Not Well Received in Miami – Latinos For Trump Line the Streets to Make Clear They Reject Her Far-Left Policies (VIDEO)

Kamala Harris made a surprise visit to Miami on Thursday as Joe Biden hid in his basement bunker.

Joe Biden has a serious problem among Florida Hispanic voters.

Latinos from South America and Cuba who have suffered under Socialist and Communist regimes have come to the US for a better life and they know Biden and Harris will usher in Socialism which = suffering and death.

Latinos for Trump came out and lined the streets of Miami on Thursday to make it clear they reject Kamala Harris.

“No Communista. No Socialista” one sign said.

The Latinos for Trump made it clear that unlike Kamala Harris, they support the police with a sign that said “Apoyen La Policia.”



  1. It is strange hoe democrats spend so much time trying to win over people that come to our country due to oppression just so they can continue to provide oppression to them. Someone please show me anytime that the dems agenda is not really about keeping people down.

  2. Harris was the worst running even worse than Biden and was the first one to have to bow out of the race of office and defeated by a severe dementia patient if not full blown alzheimers. If he got elected and then how to drop out due to his severe dementia then who is going to take over for her she is no better and no one voted for her.

  3. 7:51

    I'm hearing crickets to your challenge.

    in the 1970s the "settled science" was that we were entering another ice age. The solution by dumbocrats was more government control and less freedom.

    Now days its "settled science" that we have man made global warming.
    The solution by dumbocrats is more government control and less freedom.

    We have a made up pandemic called the whu flu and the solution by dumbocrats is?

  4. Great Love it Throw her OUT !!!


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