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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Nevada company that hosted indoor Trump rally fined $3,000

The city of Henderson, Nev., has issued a $3,000 fine to a local manufacturing company for hosting a Trump 2020 rally on Sunday in violation of state coronavirus safety guidelines.

Nevada Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak extended a statewide rule — Directive 021, Section 10 — in July limiting social gatherings to no more than 50 people.

Richards added that during the rally, "a compliance officer observed six violations of the directives and the City’s Business Operations Division has issued a Business License Notice of Violation to Xtreme Manufacturing and assessed a penalty of $3,000."

Xtreme owner Dan Ahern said in a Monday statement that he is a "proud American," who believes it is his "patriotic duty to do what is right for our country, and what is right is supporting our great President, Donald J. Trump."

"The decisions we make and actions we take are always with specific goals in mind. My goal was to continue the great American traditions of the right to assemble and to free speech, which is no different than the thousands that are allowed to assemble at gaming tables, mask-less pool parties, and protests across the state," Ahern said.


  1. Let me play the world's smallest violin for these idiots. If you attend these you should be denied medical treatment when you contract the virus.

    1. 4:01. You can’t possibly be that stupid.

    2. Right, like people who smoke should be denied cancer treatment and people who eat ice cream should be denied diabetes treatment. Fascist.

    3. 5:21 spot on!
      4:54 Oh yes he can! He’s one of many out there. 😂

  2. Some are willing to pay for freedom from the stupidity of government.

    1. Hopefully, there is a GoFundMe page to pay for the fines. I will gladly donate. I'm sure the liberal website will find a way to deny the donations.

  3. "Nevada Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak"

    Enough said!

  4. Anonymous said...
    Let me play the world's smallest violin for these idiots. If you attend these you should be denied medical treatment when you contract the virus.

    September 17, 2020 at 4:01 PM

    I guess you missed the point of the article! Don't be a Richard Head all your life!

  5. Lol by attending a rally 4:06? By all means you're totally free to get COVID. You can also go get AIDS, Hep C, polio, etc. Idiot.

  6. Actually, more than 10 times since 1860 the SC has ruled that a Governor's state of emergency is NOT a law because it has not been generated by the State's Legislature, passed by vote and signed into law, therefore can carry no civil penalties or allow for arrest or incarceration AND in order to remain in effect for more than 2 weeks it must be approved by the Legislature then and every 30 days after to remain in effect. So, it's merely a suggestion.

    1. yes

      most don't understand our Constitution

  7. Words like guidelines, rules do not equate to LAW.

  8. So are Trump rallies above the law like Trump ?

  9. Walmart and the like contribute to the virus but that’s ok because dollars contributed to worthless politicians means more.

  10. Not Legal !! Just Political by Democrats !!

  11. If it was a Biden assembly, there would be no problem.

  12. They should have identified as rioters.

  13. Stop crying about it being unfair pussies. It's pointless. They know that, they don't care. So you have to become just as ignorant and bloodthirsty as they are. Pay them nothing. Any right winger around bring the guns out if they attempt to bring the government force upon them. Handle the situation.


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