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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Moderate Democrats pressure Pelosi, House leadership to move new coronavirus bill: 'Stop the stupidity'

Moderate Democrats, especially those in swing districts, have been pressuring House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to pass another coronavirus relief bill, signaling that blaming the Senate Republicans and the White House for the inaction isn't flying back home with their constituents who need help.

One of the boldest efforts of revolt came Tuesday when the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus revealed their $1.5 trillion coronavirus relief plan, with 25 Democrats breaking with their leadership and joining 25 Republicans on a compromise plan.

Rep. Max Rose, D-N.Y., was among the backers of the plan and said his frustration with leadership's failure to make a deal pales in comparison to the frustration of his constituents needing help. It's been four months since the House passed its $3 trillion HEROES Act -- which died in the GOP-led Senate -- and now Rose and fellow frontline Democrats have been urging House leadership to put another bill on the floor that could actually become law.



  1. most know
    We The People can and will vote them out

  2. Term Limits eliminates future Pelosi like antics. Out with the geriatrics, in with the right minded thinking.


  3. Make em suffer in their misery their hero Karl had no problem being a worthless leech. Say let those districts can pound sand.

  4. The aren’t too smart to think she can stop being stupid.

  5. It wasn't so long ago that it was a pipe dream that we could take back the house. Now it has become a reality. this is why pelosi was hollering today for rioters to be arrested. The tide has turned to law and order and you won't get law and order from democrats. They are the party of the thug and other useless wastes of space on the earth. Good decent human beings never vote democrat Only the human filth does.

  6. These Democrats have been her puppets so long, she thinks she owns them. Do as she says or be punished.

  7. Doing nothing for her constituents but putting time in getting richer,priceless.

  8. About time they are waking up to reality.

  9. Democrats Deserve ALL the BLAME for screwing
    Americans OUT of their deserved Stimulus $$ !

    They played around ALL summer taking Vacations & Recesses !!! Now they WILL Pay

  10. 7:45......I'm sure she told him how to do it and what he was doing wrong. Surely, he used 2 bags.

  11. 7:52

    You dumb asses that keep calling for term limits must have your heads up your asses.

    The only ones that can vote to make term limits happen are the ones that don't want them....

    So how is THAT ever gonna happen?


  12. 745

    Bill Clinton hit her my man

  13. Get off your asses & get Americans Our stimulus $$$ or we get you the Hell out of
    office for good 2020 !!! FACT

  14. They think America is "People by the Govt " !

  15. Give us OUR $$$$ or Get OUT of congress !!!

  16. Pelosi can buy New Jets & give Millions to
    pork projects But Cares NONE about American
    people !!!


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