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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Milwaukee Trump Supporter Arrested for Brandishing a Gun at Black Lives Matter Mob That Was Surrounding His Home

A Milwaukee man was arrested after pulling a gun on a mob of Black Lives Matter supporters who were surrounding his home for several hours.

Members of the mob claimed on social media that their actions were justified because he is a “racist” and has a confederate flag. The flag was not seen in the videos, but an American and Trump flag were hanging prominently on the front of his home.

In livestream footage of the incident, the mob is clearly seen stepping on to the man’s property.

After the mob was outside his home for more than two hours, police arrived. As they entered the man’s property, the rioters cheered for police and called for the man’s arrest, yelling about how he had a weapon.

When the man was taken outside, seemingly in cuffs, the crowd went wild.

The militant leftists were threatening the man saying that he was going to have big problems if he dared to step outside.

As they threatened him, shined lights into his home, and pranced all over his property, he pointed a shotgun out the window.

It does not appear that any members of the mob have been arrested.


  1. As soon as they declare BLM a terrorist organization, it will be open season!

  2. I will do the same. I have posted and warned with signs. They come on my property and they might as well call the MORGUE when they call the POLICE.

  3. Shoot first enough talking

  4. Again arresting the wrong people. What is going on with this chit?

  5. These will be the police of the "police state".

  6. I've got a friend who has cancer. He's got TRUMP signs and flags all around his house. He said he hopes these type of POS come to his house. He said he doesn't have anything to loose and will take many with him. LMAO.

    1. 3:14
      It isn’t funny
      At all

      People will die in this communist transition period. Not all Americans are idiots and many are able-bodied and will fight. They will be killed of course but fight nonetheless.

      First defund the police
      Then see the violence
      Then beg for help from government
      Next, military police in your house

  7. Black lives splatter too!

  8. Wish he would’ve called me to swing by and shoot the shit.😜

  9. Since there is few police criminals of all types may be moving to Minnesota.

    1. Milwaukee is in Wisconsin Einstein!

      Please tell me you are not one who also calls for homeschooling and defunding schools! 🙄

  10. All we are learning from blm is that blacks are an overwhelmingly stupid race and an immoral race full of liars and the other dregs of society. They lie and say the police target them. The police aren't targeting them The police are there because they are committing crimes. If they are so afraid of police why do they commit so many crimes. They aren't afraid of the police is the true answer But they won't admit this because they are an immoral sin filled race who God won't even have mercy on.

  11. March all you want just stay off my property. Girls march because they're pissed of about something. Guys march because they want to bang the girls. Whatever

  12. For their sake I really hope they dont try this in the country. Not only will this end not well for the first one, if they follow the leader they will all end up buried in the woods. And no this isnt a threat or some keyboard warrior stuff. The neighborhood has already talked about it....and we are all in agreement. I always always give warnings...smh....sometimes they dont listen.

  13. Shouldn’t allow politicians to get a free pass when they are the problem.

  14. Wrong & should be Illegal !! Punishing the
    Good people instead of the Bad !!!

  15. This is when you do the bird box challenge and go driving around the house until the screaming stops

  16. Don't brandish, shoot. The sooner the war pops off the sooner we can end it and release all those who do happen to do a stint in jail. All it takes is one of us on the jury and you go home because rain, sleet, hail, snow my vote will be not guilty no matter how much the rest cry about it or the judge demands I comply. If the target was BLM or Antifa you get a free pass and no I don't care one single iota about your intentions or the details.


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