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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Joe Biden accidentally refers to ‘Harris-Biden’ ticket after Harris made similar gaffe

Joe Biden accidentally referred to his presidential ticket as the “Harris-Biden” campaign — after Kamala Harris similarly misspoke over the weekend.

The former vice president made the gaffe while speaking at a campaign event in Tampa, Fla., as he spoke of his goals to make it easier for military families to find careers.

“It makes it so much harder for military spouses to find good jobs and build their careers. That has to change,” Biden said.

“A Harris-Biden administration is going to relaunch that effort and keep pushing further to make it easier for military spouses and veterans to find meaningful careers to ensure teachers know how to support military children in their classrooms and to improve support for caregivers and survivors so much more than we do now.”

Harris on Saturday had mistakenly referred to the “Harris administration” while discussing economic plans during a virtual roundtable.

“A Harris administration, together with Joe Biden as the president of the United States,” she said before correcting her slip.



  1. That was no accident. The old dude wishes it were that way. He can’t handle VP, so certainly he can’t work the hot seat.

  2. Tell us how your really feel Harris!

  3. Behind the scenes this is what the entire democratic party is saying. You all can't believe BIDEN will be calling the shots if elected?? He's an old frail man with dementia.

  4. If the Democrats actually manage to put Biden in the White House, it appears their plan now is for Biden to practically immediately resign "due to health issues (alzheimer's disease perhaps), and place the first woman, black at that, into the presidency, without ever running for or being elected president. That would be their grand coup d'etat. Yes, I believe Democrats would knowingly vote a deranged man into the presidency for just that purpose. It appears the attempt is to do so. Democrats political agenda doesn't give a hoot about the country, or our constitution. It is a dangerous time for America folks, and it has nothing to do with coronavirus.

  5. 8:58 seriously. How is this news for them? Really grasping at straws huh.

  6. Well, we're pretty used to a President who contradicts himself, ignores facts and makes up things that agree with his lies Someone with dementia won't be all that different.


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