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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Increasing Number of Americans Say They'll Get Coronavirus Vaccine, but Still Less Than Global Average

More Americans say they'll get a vaccine for the coronavirus, but this number is still lower than the global average of adults who say the same, according to a new poll.
The survey, which was conducted by the World Economic Forum/Ipsos, found that 67 percent of Americans said they'd get vaccinated. This finding is an increase from polling conducted in early August, as a CNN/SSRS survey found that 56 percent of Americans said they'd get inoculated against the novel virus.
According to the new poll, the global average of adults saying they'd get the vaccine was 74 percent, with 37 percent saying they strongly agree they would get it and 37 percent saying they somewhat agree.


  1. That's because an increasing number of Americans are stupid. Hence our current predicament.

  2. propaganda at its finest.
    I have yet to hear one of my friends say they will

  3. No to vaccine.
    Yes to guns and ammo.

  4. I have never gotten a flu shot and I won't be getting a covid 19 vaccination. FATASS RINO POS hogan is going to fail on this mandate. Hide and watch.

  5. Never had and never will get a flu shot, I won't even allow my daughter to get the HPV vaccine, ain't happening ever!

  6. No way. I'm not getting one even if it is free.
    I want disclosure of what is in it before I put this in my bloodstream and unless it is proven effective, hell no!!!

  7. Most of the Chinese said they'd get it... well, they HAVE to, or their "score" of being a good citizen will go down, and they get punished.

  8. all these so called flu vaccines are contain genetic stem cell material from aborted babies. This is an abomination to God and the reason why everyone should say no! whatever happened to my body my choice? funny how that only works for abortion lovers!

  9. I'll take it, maybe it will cure baldness!

    I mean the lil blue pill was suppose to help pulmonary challenges and turned out to help making something else "harder" longer.

    (snicker snicker)

  10. The article is an intelligence piece.
    Americans don’t want the VAX

  11. Against my religion.

    Also,Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself.


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