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Tuesday, September 08, 2020

“I Think We’re All Set” – Kamala Harris’s Handlers Shoo Away Reporters After Wisconsin Event Wraps Up

Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris traveled to Kenosha, Wisconsin on Monday and met with Jacob Blake’s family and legal team.Kamala 

Harris said she was proud of Jacob Blake, a man who had previously broken into a woman’s home, sexually assaulted her while she was in bed with one of her children and stole her car.
Kamala Harris took a couple softball questions about her meeting with Jacob Blake from media sycophants on Monday.

However she didn’t take any questions from reporters after her Wisconsin event wrapped up.

“I think we’re all set!” Kamala Harris handlers screamed as they shooed media away. “We’re gonna head out the same way we came.”


  1. Well she’s running with a rapist so why not endorse a rapist

  2. Another one who has not done a thing positive in her entire life (jump starting gross old man Wee Willie's winkie doesnt' count) . Plus she's ugly and looks like a man. Her putrid looks reflects what is in her putrid heart.

    1. She’s ugly yes but that whiny voice though

  3. Jacob Blake deserved what he got!!!!!

  4. She's Hiden with Biden !!! LOL LOL WE have her Number !!!

  5. Wondering, why they are focusing so much on this man and not addressing the fact that he raped someone and was violation of a court order. Apparently black lives matter means no black person is responsible for the crimes they commit. How is that not raciest.? Oh thats right , he is black.

  6. Wonder what she is proud of him for. Would it be the sexual assault, stealing victims vehicle, break in or what exactly??? Tells you all you need to know about this NON African-American Ho!!!

  7. Does anyone have any follow up on the story that Soros son, Alexander, was on Biden's vice presidential search committee and picked Harris for that spot?

  8. I'd be interested to know what she said to give some sympathy and support to the little 15 year old girl who was raped by this animal.
    She did meet with the REAL victim in this thing, didn't she?

  9. don't ignore her husband's close ties with the chinese govt. His law firm represents them and has several former chinese govt officials on staff. Biden and Harris are owned by the chinese.

  10. Biden still Breaking Harris in , in the basement !!! LOL

  11. So she met with his family and not the woman he raped? I guess we know where her priorities are. What a skank.


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