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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

HUH? Biden Touts Actions of “Obama-Biden Administration” – Then Says, “This is Just the Beginning if We Get Re-Elected” (VIDEO)

77-year-old Joe Biden on Monday delivered remarks on the wildfires ravaging western states and twisted himself into pretzel making the connection to climate change.

Biden blamed President Trump for the wildfires caused by arsonists and failed Democrat policies that have reduced the number of controlled burns.

“If you give a climate arsonist four more years in the White House, why would anyone be surprised if we have more America ablaze?” Biden said.

Then things got weird.



  1. Does Biden understand what year this is? Does he know where he is from day to day?

  2. My God get this poor man in a nursing home. Am I really seeing this bullshit? I feel,like I'm in a Twilight zone or something.

  3. Probably gets uncomfortable for him when he soils his depends

  4. People are actually voting for him just because he is a democrat

  5. Ain't Gonna Happen in our America !!! LOL

  6. Sadly, this will be his legacy, an old, feeble guy a puppet on strings about to break. No one will remember him for being anything but a Leftist tool.

  7. I can’t stand the dude, but it is pitiful to see “them” let him embarrass himself.


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