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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Hikers discover bear eating man at Great Smoky Mountains campsite

A group of hikers in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park ended their trek in horror after discovering a bear dining on human remains.

While walking the North Carolina arm of the Hazel Creek Trail, just a few miles from the Tennessee border, the group passed what appeared to be a deserted campsite, where they encountered a scattering of body parts. Nearby, a bear was spotted “scavenging the area,” according to a park press release.

Park rangers received a call just after 7 p.m. Friday, as soon as the hikers returned to an area with cellular coverage.

“Staff arrived at campsite 82 shortly after midnight and confirmed the report of a deceased adult human male,” park officials said, the Charlotte Observer reported Saturday.



  1. Well what did you expect?? You're coming into their territory. All this crazy naturalist's are too busy protecting nature. They forget to protect themselves. People visit these Federal/ State parks running, jogging, and camping. Forget to realize the danger's involved. I'm sure they were warned but let their guard down. It's unfortunate.

  2. I wonder if it was Yogi.

  3. Bears will eat almost anything.

  4. "Bears will eat almost anything."

    So? My dog eats his own poop.

  5. The democrats getting rid of Trump supporters

    1. Sick person you are😝😝😝😝

    2. Hey 6:39 need to change your handle too- Hillary is a large tub of excrement.

      but when that bear takes a dump it will be a big steaming pile of democrat.

  6. So will some people.

  7. Nature taking over. Keep camping in areas where bears live and think everything is ok.

  8. This is better than a pic a nic basket huh Boo Boo.

  9. If he was from a Democrap run city I bet he still votes!

  10. The black bear was shot by a white park ranger and now in front of the park are protesters.
    Several have painted BLM on the road entrance to the park.
    Bear Lives Matter said Jessie Jackson.
    Al Sharpton said this clearly shows white law enforcement hates anything black.
    Nancy Pelosi took a knee and is now wearing a bear skin scarf to show her solidarity with the cause.
    Riots are planned for this weekend in all of the parks picnic areas.
    Michell Obama is going to speak at the elegy for the deceased bear and his body will go on a 2 week journey all over the country to help promote Racism.
    The Media said that the senseless killing of the Black Bear is Trumps fault.
    CNN played a clip from 1972 where Trump said he didn't like the Cubs baseball team and said this proves he hates Bears!

    You just can't make this crap up ! LOL !!!

  11. I wonder if he had some tabasco with him.

  12. For y'all with the jokes:

    There are many reports from witnesses to bear attacks where they describe the victim screaming while they were being held down and ripped apart while being eaten alive. Bears don't kill you first, then eat you. Once they catch you, they just hold you down and eat you, like they do a fish. You are just a meal. Your screams have no meaning to them. As they satisfy their hunger, they know the noise will stop. It doesn't bother them. It is often not a quick death. It is a nightmare that eventually will stop. Gruesome....

  13. 10:44 sounds like the prefect punishment for Democrat Liars!
    Lets see, we got the people that lied about Judge Cavanaugh, Russia controlling Trump, Trump making a deal to investigate the Biden family, it is almost 200 people already!


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