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Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Here Are 31 Times the Media Justified or Explained Away Rioting and Looting After George Floyd’s Death

Dozens of news outlets published content that either justified or explained away rioting and looting in the initial weeks of unrest following the police custody death of George Floyd in late May, a Daily Caller News Foundation review found.

While President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden have both condemned rioting and looting, major news outlets such as CNN and MSNBC have appeared to downplay the unrest that has gripped American cities in the months following Floyd’s death, in one instance describing a scene as “mostly peaceful” as fires raged in the background.

But as the violence broke out in American cities in late May and June, dozens of news outlets provided a platform for commentators, professors, and activists who not only acknowledged that rioting and looting were taking place, but sought to either justify the violence as a valid protesting technique or as a form of righteous rebellion against an unjust system.

Here are 31 articles, opinion pieces, interviews, and news segments published in the media in the first three weeks following Floyd’s death that pushed narratives that either justified or explained away the rioting and looting as it started to break out in American cities.



  1. Here's my humble opinion: If Floyd hadn't both committed an actionable crime and ingested an overdose, he'd be alive today, but only maybe. No police call, no police involved. He might have made it home to die on the floor.

    1. But then he would be a "martyr."

  2. Democrat Media in America needs to GO 2020 !!! New Laws needed !!

  3. Democrats do not like our Constitution....

    Democrats support chaos

  4. Ban the Democrat Party 2020 !!! Full of anti-American Traitors !!!


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