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Tuesday, September 08, 2020

'Government theft': Handyman has Jeep taken over $25 in marijuana, now case takes big turn

'Shouldn't be able to steal private property from law-abiding citizens'

A Tucson handyman whose Jeep was confiscated by authorities and headed for the auction block due to $25 worth of marijuana has gotten it back.

The Goldwater Institute said the government changed its tune after telling Kevin McBride it would be "inappropriate in this case" to return his vehicle.

Goldwater challenged the seizure, and McBride got his $15,000 Jeep back Friday without having to pay to release it from forfeiture.



  1. it's crap like this that turns ppl against the police and gov't.

  2. that's the gvmnt's job, steal from it's citizens. How else all those liberal fatcats gonna survive?

  3. Take your money any way they can. I guess they don't steal enough in taxes


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