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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Florida high school bans football team's police flag after critics deem it "openly racist"

A thin blue line flag has been banned by a local high school in Neptune Beach, Florida following a series of complaints that circulated on social media, according to a report by News4Jax.

According to the outlet, the Fletcher High School football team started carrying the pro-law enforcement flag last year, as a way for one of its players, Caelan Lavender, to honor his late father, Cpl. Andy Lavender. Mr. Lavender was a Jacksonville Beach police officer who unexpectedly passed away in August 2019 after 29 years in law enforcement, and was active in sports programs.

“He was one of a kind,” his wife, Lorie Lavender, told News4Jax. “And he is very much missed and loved.”

The team's use of the symbol received swift backlash online, with some calling the move "openly racist."




  1. This is my main problem with allowing politics of any kind into sports. It’s one sided. I personally don’t want to see either side bring politics into sports, but if one side is allowed to and is embraced for it, then you have to allow the other side as well. Right now, the players who stand for the anthem receive more questions then those who kneel. The Steelers player with a KIA soldiers name on his helmet instead of the black teens gets more backlash than anyone. The high school kids carrying the police and fire american flags are silenced while no one says anything about cleats with BLM on them.

    1. I got 1.5 billion reasons why? Called China

  2. In no way does this flag promote racism, it stands for all police members and women out in the line of duty. It should be flown proudly as our own national flag should be.

    1. 8:38
      Why honor people who enforce Statutory Laws against the People? Wake up and educate yourself!

      Statutory Law is not Constitutional

      Police work is not honorable.
      Get a real job

    2. Let's give 11:49 a big group hug 🦄🧚‍♀️

  3. Here we go again. Another libutard run school system who HATE AMERICA. PERIOD!! Time to get new people on these school board. It won't change otherwise.

  4. Goes against the flag code ya'll were hollering about earlier in the year.

    1. If it were a POS BLM flag nothing would be said. Is that the so called flag code y'all talking about??

  5. More giving in to the left!

  6. They throw as much behind the catch all phrase racism to erode away rights

  7. I believe in Common Law
    Very few police are needed for Common Law
    It isn’t about attacking citizens and stealing their money for the State.

    Common Law is property law.
    It is Constitutional

  8. If you cannot support the POLICE you must be anti-American / anti-US CONSTITUTION.

    Then all Flags that are not the AMERICAN flag has to be labeled as anti-American and those groups labeled as ANARCHIST and TRAITORS to the US and prosecuted as such.

  9. Since when was Police Officer a race, these people are so deranged it is no longer funny. Or has the left leaning schools gone so far off the ranch that like the sexual identity you can now have as many races as you want?

  10. Good hope it triggers them to death Spasms. The BLM flag is really the racist flag.how can a flag that represents all cops of all colors RACIST. luciferian logic that how!!!

  11. Good hope it triggers them to death Spasms. The BLM flag is really the racist flag.how can a flag that represents all cops of all colors RACIST. luciferian logic that how!!!

  12. Well, when they have a shooting, maybe they can call their social services and BLM chapter for help

  13. The message is pretty obvious.

    Support for law and order is racist.

    Support for Marxist backed BLM anarchy is celebrated.

    These people are just too stupid to realize they're battling for their own enslavement.

  14. Unfortunately, racism is alive and well in our country. It is part of the "divide and conquer" mentality promoted by the left. The last election was a terrible defeat to the left. They still can't understand why their chosen one was defeated. They can't understand why their criminal traitor was not chosen to be our leader. The fix this election, in their mind, is to give us the option of electing a ticket that includes a man suffering with dementia and a woman that was listening to bands that didn't exist when she was smoking weed.
    The citizens of this country are smarter than they are given credit for. Our people see through this weak effort. People of minority are realizing that they are being played for a vote. This will not work out for them and they know it. Universal mail in ballots and voter fraud is their last ditch effort to regain power. There are more of us than there are of them.


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