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Monday, September 07, 2020

FDA rejects drug touted as possible COVID-19 ‘cure’ by MyPillow CEO

The FDA on Friday gave its safety thumbs down to Oleandrin — the extract the MyPillow CEO has pushed as a possible coronavirus cure.

Oleandrin, could not “reasonably be expected to be safe” as a dietary supplement, the Food & Drug Administration wrote in a letter to Phoenix Biotechnology, which had applied for the agency’s approval.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who sits the board of Phoenix Biotechnology, was touting Oleandrin to President Trump and the White House last month as a promising — but unproven — “cure” for the coronavirus, Axios reported at the time.

“This thing works — it’s the miracle of all time,” Lindell, said in a contentious CNN interview Anderson Cooper while discussing the possible use of Oleandrin as coronavirus antidote last month.


  1. Any product used successfully on the regular flu will work well on COVID-19.
    It is a coronavirus, just a new one. Possibly a weaponized virus, but none of the governments will ever admit it. At any rate the statistics show 99.4% of those who become sick will recover. The government and its media are touting "cases" now to justify the draconian lockdowns of society. Just because a positive test indicates the presence of a coronavirus, the society should not be locked down. Using cases instead of real COVID-19 deaths or even illnesses makes no sense in a normal society. It only makes sense in a totalitarian society.

  2. Bob Aswell ....RealistSeptember 7, 2020 at 6:36 PM

    That's just what I want to buy into. A reformed,down and out dope-head like Lindell dispensing health care advise. Every time I think I've seen the stupidest thing in existence, something comes along to top it. The funny part of it is, there ARE SOME people who will buy into it. Lindell has turned into a bubbling fountain gushing worthless knowledge ranging from what you should sleep on, to habits concerning drug use and treatment, now to a panacea for Covid-19.
    What the Hell has happened to common sense? Where are the people who are supposed to teach it to the young? This is the reason today we are dealing with idiots ruining the Country and what it stands for.
    Clear your heads folks. STOP fighting for politics of any form and fight for the academic expertise to build strength in their heads so they'll be smart enough to NOT involve themselves with empty-head-ology.

  3. 1. What medical degree does Lindell have? Is it the same one Bill Gates has?

    2. Whatever drug is out there that stops the covid but doesn't have a patent owned by Dr. Fauchi is totally ineffective and cannot be prescribed to fight the covid virus.

    3 Buy some Hydroxychloroquin, Azithromycin and zinc from India through Safegenericpharmacy dot com and stay safe.

  4. Giza-19 sheets !!! LOL LOL

  5. Just works on the Pillows Not the Giza Sheets !!! LOL LOL


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