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Friday, September 11, 2020

Family fears breech of George Floyd's medical records could assassinate his character!

Multiple employees at the hospital where George Floyd was pronounced dead inappropriately accessed his medical records, according to the family’s lawyer.

Attorney Antonio Romanucci told KARE 11 the Minneapolis hospital, Hennepin Healthcare, sent a letter to the family alerting them of the data breaches, which occurred over the last 30 days.

Romanucci said the family is considering suing the hospital, fearing the breaches could have played into an attempt to assassinate Floyd’s character after he was killed by a Minneapolis police officer.

“They feel it’s a continued assassination of George Floyd, his character,” Romanucci said. “It’s a non-stop issue. And they were very upset, very disturbed, disappointed that even in death, that George Floyd’s character is being maligned by people that didn’t have any business looking at his private medical record.”



  1. Afraid the truth will show how much of a POS he was?

  2. I find it odd that nothing can be said negative about this Floyd turd or allowed in the court records. But, it is fine and dandy for anything to be negatively suggested about the good gentleman that allegedly abused the Floyd turd. Such as, there was a report that the on/duty accused working man had a previous accusation of brutality. Odd indeed, one sided for sure. Could it be that the Floyd turd was black, while the accused good fellow would be WHITE. Well, I just don’t know.

  3. Just look at his Court record. He doesn't have a character. Unless it's GOOFY.


  4. George Floyd killed himself, probably unintentionally, due to the illegal drugs he took. The Medical Examiner's report was online shortly after it was finished, and not leaked.

    He certainly left a wonderful legacy: Home invasion felon who pointed a gun at belly of pregnant woman during the crime, and dead by his own hand after passing bad money. Would not want to see a pillar of the community besmirched!

    All that said, the hospital did have an obligation to properly maintain his records.

  5. What's to fear unless they show he had been stabbed, shot or badly beaten due to bad choices?

  6. They messed up with using one carriage. Time could have been saved running him around on display. Could have been the White horse drawn carriage for the citizen that the bad man had supposedly harmed trying to subdue the good man. But, there should have also been a black buggy to haul his criminal ass around after he succumbed to a lethal dose of illegal Skreet drugs. Had he not had this in his system, the policeman would not have likely had to use restraint methods to keep the dude controlled. Add in the fact that the gentleman (turd) did not desire to return to previous quarters, The Gray Bar Hotel. Prior actions are keep under the table sometimes in a coat room. As if it has nothing to do with a case. But in my humble opinion it has everything to do with it. History matters, or the bad guys wouldn’t want to erase it.

  7. All of these "in the lime light" perps are convicted felons or have rap sheets and checkered pasts. The liberal left uses their demise as a means to an end and don't give a crap about the person. Blacks are eating it up for what...social justice? C'mon man...Sharpton et al again don't give a crap about y'all; you, the victims, are lineing their pockets. The outrage should be aimed at the liberal left who are keeping you down; look back on the past 50 or so years...they made it easy for y'all to keep the hand out. MAN up!

  8. He died from overdose all the cops should go free except the idiot that put his knee on the neck he should be charged with police brutality

  9. Oh, we would not want to damage George Floyd's stellar reputation, being the upstanding pillar of the community that he was.


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