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Friday, September 25, 2020

DOJ Orders a Pennsylvania County to change Ballot Practices after finding Military Ballots in the Trash

The Justice Department sent a letter to a Pennsylvania county on Thursday, ordering it to change its practices after multiple military ballots were found discarded.

The issue surfaced earlier in the day when the DOJ announced that it had recovered a small number of discarded ballots. While the Justice Department would not say where they had found the ballots, they did say there were nine recovered -- seven of which were cast for President Trump, while the other two were sealed by Luzerne County before the FBI recovered them,

In his letter to Luzerne County officials, U.S. attorney David Freed indicated that additional ballot materials were found in a dumpster. Freed said their investigation yielded "troubling" findings, including that the county allegedly improperly opened ballots.



  1. Will we see this reported anywhere else but here and Fox News????

  2. Can everybody imagine how often this will happen in the next month or so and it doesn't get caught. A conflict is coming and there's no way out of it....smh...mho

  3. Oh but remember, your vote counts!!!! NOT

  4. If they are for Trump , they MUST be counted

  5. Here we go again. Why not get rid of them?! DOJ playing games again.

  6. PA still hasn't cleaned up it voter rolls, too.

  7. Do any of you recall the Miltary jet crashing that had all military voting information when that gay clown Obama was voted in ?

    Military for the most part, voted conservative and not for King O'Gay Obama


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