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Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Democrats and Never-Trumpers Make Plans for November Coup if/When President Trump Wins Election

The rolling coup has not stopped or slowed down since President Donald Trump won the 2016 election decisively over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

First there was Obama spying on Trump, Obama sabotaging Transition period, Deep State record attacks and leaks on the sitting president, the Russia collusion scam (still pushed by Democrats and their willing stooges in the media), the Ukrainian faux impeachment, the coronavirus attacks, and mail-in voting.

Trump stands with the American people – His enemies stand with the globalists, foreign regimes and international Marxists.

Patriotic Americans must realize this is NOT normal political behavior. This is the rolling coup.

And already Democrats are making plans to remove President Trump when he wins big in November.

Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer posted this tweet this Labor Day weekend.



  1. These unstable pieces of feces had better watch their step. I’m getting a feel out here that the commoners May turn on these bastard’s and it won’t be good. We are not afraid of this violent trash. it’s just we carry ourselves a bit different. We are law abiding people, but are not so closed minded that we are beyond defending ourselves and property. You will witness a rough time, but no worries, it won’t last long and you will be relieved.

    1. As a former SEAL I would say that you sound like a total asshole and would guess that when fully armed you a basically a danger only to yourself.

    2. Relax and get a bucket of fish. You aren't in the military anymore. So YOU'LL be doing the same as 4:59.

    3. Our registered hands are the only arms we need, right5:28

    4. You are probably as smart as a seal.

    5. Well you have one thing right, I am a total asshole, but doubtful you are a SEAL.

    6. 5:58....you are not a Seal or you would be bright enough to know you read a comment. You don’t hear it as stated. A Seal would not have even made a comment on that topic, certainly not something ludicrous as you commented. Enjoy your next subject.

    7. 7:03, my Daddy has two pairs of hands. All four registered.

  2. Russia Russia Again no doubt !!! Marsha Marsha !!!

  3. Fake news a Former seal my arse.

    1. Hahaha. Exactly. Feed him fish.

  4. 5:28 as a decorated combat veteran you're as much a SEAL as I am an astronaut. Save that shit for beers with your buddies.

  5. @6:07 I don't know there was a navy seal from salisbury that retired a few years ago. Is that you Mr. Miller @5:28?? I know the guys brother is still around doing construction work and property management so he might frequent the area or moved back home.

  6. A former SEAL doesn't advertise the fact. He doesn't have to show off. He keeps his pride to himself. So, 5:28, good try tho.

  7. Let's get back to the issue -a coup. I heard that this is true even if Biden wins by a narrow margin. The left wants to an immediate takeover. Damn scary.

  8. Democrats just trying to get Trump voters riled up don’t fall for it,Trump 2020!

  9. @10:00 what do you mean "takeover"? They have never relinquished any type of power since trump has been in office. They've gotten EVERY pork barrel deal they've wanted and haven't been indicted/charged for either of their violations. When will you people realize that ALL politicians are in it together manipulating the masses to gain their price of taxpayers extortion. They've created this division to take all the focus off the real corruption and agenda at hand. One world government has been in play since Bush 1 and will continue as much whether Trump wins re-election or not

  10. 2:18 am

    That's what she said.

  11. REAL Americans are on Guard for Anything Democrats try !!! 2020


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