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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

CNN's Don Lemon: Unhinged

'We're Going To Have To Blow Up the Entire System' and Abolish the Electoral College'

When your ideas are so far to the left that even Chris Cuomo thinks they’re radical, you may have gone too far.

That’s what happened during a CNN segment on Monday night. Don Lemon suggested that Democrats must “blow up the entire system” if a Trump Supreme Court nominee is confirmed by the Senate before the November election — a suggestion that stunned even the very liberal Cuomo.

“We’re going to have to blow up the entire system,” Lemon told his CNN colleague.

“I don’t know about that,” Cuomo responded.

Lemon went on to attack the Electoral College.

Lemon suggested stacking the courts and amending the Constitution with an infuriating tone of moral superiority. It seems incredible that even someone as far left as Lemon truly believes not only that Joe Biden will be elected president but also that he will have enough congressional and state support to amend the Constitution.


  1. I didn’t waste my time reading past the headline. This turd should be in comedy.

  2. What a scum bag this POS anti American!💩🇺🇸Go Trump!!!

    1. I agree! Every night the same anti Trump, anti Putin railing!

    2. Funny how the left continues to try to perpetuate this Putin b.s. while they're the ones who are puppets of Soros🤣

  3. Lemon and Shep Smith pillow talk?

  4. Communist is what these vile creatures truly are. An evil luciferian system of lies and hate. They beleive in burning it all down re writing history instiling division and hostility between classes. Most of all you must be an atheist to be a true commie.so So eventually if these people do get in power. all people of faith will have to be eliminated. similar to what went on in Russia, China,Vietnam,North Korea &every other socialist Communist country Russia being the biggest graveyard of all!! This is playbook communist tactics...

  5. Should be charged with an act / threat of treason against the US and get severe penalty.

  6. Lemon has blowing experience, so let him lead the way.

  7. If they paid me the same amount per show I would say ANYTHING that was on the teleprompter. I would leave for the weekend to my beach house in the Hampton's and drive my Ferrari on Sundays.

  8. Shepherd Smith and Barry are a thing!
    They will married when Barry divorces Michael!

  9. He's just grandstanding.

  10. He's not even a journalist. He's an Affirmative Action hire. I can't wait for him to get arrested for something. He will. Just a matter of time. He's a POS.

  11. gay gay gay gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

  12. I love the electoral college, it guarantees that we remain a two party system which is easy for Republicans because everything is black or white to them!

  13. If the left had an agenda that the American people liked they would be in power. If the left is so concerned that the results of the election will be delegitimized it makes me wonder what illegitimate plans they have.


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