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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Clinton Humiliated When Claim Trump Should 'Care Whether His Fellow Americans Live or Die' Backfires

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the woman who once asked a congressional committee if it mattered why four Americans died at the hands of an Islamic mob during the 2012 attack on U.S. diplomats in Libya, decided to take to Twitter on Monday morning with a weighty take on the November presidential race.

But if she was trying to pick a ground to attack President Donald Trump, she could hardly have chosen worse.

“We deserve a president who cares whether his fellow Americans live or die,” Clinton wrote in a tweet that lacked a link to explain the context — giving the impression that it just popped into her head on the back porch (maybe just after she’d popped the cork off another bottle of the vino she’s been known to imbibe).

Even giving the failed Democratic presidential candidate the benefit of the doubt and presuming she might have been taking a cheap shot at President Donald Trump and the nation’s death toll from the Wuhan virus pandemic, the jaw-dropping arrogance is astounding.

This is a woman who served as the Obama administration’s chief diplomat for four years — and displayed not only a complete disregard for her country’s laws (in the email scandal that probably killed her chances of the presidency) but also, in the case of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the American diplomatic post in Benghazi, a shocking lack of feeling over the death of an ambassador, a State Department staffer and two CIA operatives who were also former Navy SEALs.

Those four deaths were far from the only American casualties resulting from the Obama administration’s criminal incompetence — Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, killed by a weapon lost in operation “Fast and Furious,” and Islamic State group kidnap victim Kayla Mueller leap to mind.


We deserve a president who cares whether his fellow Americans live or die.
Like Benghazi? Fast and furious?


  1. 4 verses 200,000 . I'll take the 4

    Both botched their jobs and lives were lost (and still deaths)

    1. Blame your Governors and local state officials for all the deaths. Trump did all he could and acted very promptly, he just kept his cool. The governors are in charge of their states they fought trump tooth and nail. I remember Pelosi, Biden, and De Blasio all calling trump a racist for wanting to ban travel from China and to ignore him come to the St Patrick Day festivities. Still Trumps fault right ? Think again it’s your evil democrats that are to blame. Want to fix things? Vote Trump and republican down the ballot and vote the RINO’s out, they are wasting our time

  2. 12:44 Hey Einstein, Benghazi could've been prevented and purposely wasn't. The virus couldn't be prevented and 200,000 is a fake number. Wake up.

  3. 12:44 “What difference does it make now” Hillary Clinton

  4. LOL, You must be joking 12:44, Hillary has personally put the hit out on more people than 4. Leave it to an idiot to blame the deaths from a Chinese virus on our President.

    I mean, Cuomo put them in nursing homes??!!! You are too stupid to vote !

    1. 3:10 I believe 12:44 was making a Hillary quote. Hillary made that statement during the Benghazi hearings "What difference does it make now - Hillary" That statement proves how cold hearted she is.

  5. 12:44

    So exactly what did Trump do that should have been different?

    What did Trump NOT do that the CDC Fauchi and Brix recomended?

    What did the rest of the world do?

    You're an ass if you think this world wide pandemic released from China is Trumps fault in any way and even more of an ass to think those are real numbers.

  6. @3:10 You're pathetic if you believe any of that shit. The reason the virus has killed so many is because Trump stripped funding to the CDC and dismantled the pandemic task force 3 years ago. It COULD HAVE been prevented, but Trump's past decisions left the country totally unprepared, and he didn't act until it was way too late. He's directly responsible for the US being unprepared to combat the virus. Then he tried to downplay it, which just made things worse.

    1. 4:16 Right back atcha. If you believe that crap you’re spewing You’re long past delusional. Trump. Trump. Trump. That’s all you’re saying. But no mention of China lying or WHO lying or the CDC manipulating numbers. No mention of Trump shutting down travel from China. No mention of Obama depleting medical supplies like ventilators. No mention of Cuomo placing Covid patients in nursing homes. You sir are a fantastic example as to why Trump will win again and the democrat party will dissolve.

  7. 12:44 is obviously voting for Biden. The comment was so dumb, it probably is Biden.

  8. 4:16 PM - First you need to learn what you are talking about. The President did NOT Dismantle the Panademic Task Force 3 years ago. He combined them. The people in that task force were MERGED with other units with the NSC. It just was an reorganization. The states were the ones that were supposed to be the most prepared of which like New York they spent the money on something else instead of respirators. Cuomo could make more money that way to benefit him. Can you imagine what the panic would have been like if he had told most of these fools how bad it was. I still would like to know why Gates and his gang had a test panademic simulated outbreak in New York in October and Soros went to China in November. Then all of a sudden we had a dangerous virus. JUST SAYING!!!

    1. 9:46 Thank you. So tired of people like 4:16 spreading so many lies. I realize it’s the liberal way to lie but still. It gets old.


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