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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Candace Owens Slams LeBron James' 'Racism' Whimpering - 'Minorities Are Waking Up in This Country'

When it comes to taking on liberal hypocrisy, Candace Owens is on a roll.
This past Sunday Owens targeted LeBron James in a Fox interview with Mark Levin.

“I’m always speaking out against these people, especially LeBron James,” Owens told Levin.

“I mean, this is a man that lives in a one hundred million dollar mansion in Bel Aire, and I always say, ‘If you’re suffering through racism, please give me some of that.

“He’s got a white gardener, a white chef, various white people that work for him. A white driver.

“So if that’s racism, LeBron, please share some of that with the rest of us.”

As the NBA’s biggest star at the moment, who is almost as well known for his race-based politics as for his basketball, there’s no question James is a legitimate target for Owens (though to be fair, his Los Angeles mansion is worth only $39 million, not $100 million, according to MSN).


  1. I am sick of it all. None of it concerns me. I just hope blacks and many whites are waking up because I am completely convinced BLM was sent by God to show us the righteous and the just, who the evil is in this country.
    Far too long God has seen these hypocrites lie about race, the police and even they lie about being Christians which He hates more then anything. This taking a knee didn't just happen. It is God's way of testing so He can see who not only does this but who will still support those who do. Real Christians know you only kneel to God.

    1. Sorry, God didn't send BLM. It was billionaire George Soros, who is pumping millions of dollars into it, to keep it going. Those out of town "protesters" are paid agitators to cause havoc in the streets. Burn-Loot-Murder that is what matters to them.

  2. Poor LeBron, hunted in the streets by white police every time he leaves his mansion in the private, white gated community where he lives. He would like us to believe that crap. His career is close to over as a basketball player so this is what it comes to. Race Baiter. Hoped for better.

  3. Blacks are just going to have to face facts something many other minorities did a long time ago and why they are outpacing blacks in everything that is positive. I'm a minority (not black) so I speak from experience. We as minorities in business or who want to be in business have to face it that we are dependents. To be successful we have to depend on whites. This a a fact. The best to do for our own selves and our families is to get along. We can not depend on other minorities and white wokes (who I cand tell you from experience most don't have the proverbial pot to take a leak in) to make us successful Fact of life. Nothing anyone can do about it. BLM does not help. It is a creator of racism. I as a minority have no problem seeing this. How come so many blacks can't figure this out? Free thinking common sense blacks just like myself know we can not depend on our own. We can only depend on ourselves so think for yourself and don't be a blind follower. My ethnic group has many of the same issues as blacks do. I've talked to many black business owners and hope to be business owners and it's across the board with all-They don't want to cater to mostly black customers since like my ethnic group they are a pain in the neck and want things for either free or reduced prices. We can't operate like that for long anyway and is why we are dependent. We have to face the fact as minorities we have to get along with others if we want a better life. Stop exaggerating about racism. Stop making everything we don't like out as racism. Stop teaching children to be suspicious of everyone but us. The list is long and blacks just like all other minorities know where they come up short and know what they should be doing and know it when they aren't. Lastly don't think you are ever going to change anyone. It's not only stupid it's completely wasting your time and holds you back. The same as dwelling on the past such as slavery. Dwelling is really a mental illness so is not ever good. Focus on today and the future. Close and burn the book on the past. Start a new one and everything around you will be beautiful.

  4. Do as I say...not as I do.

    That saying never ever changes and knows no color.

  5. LaBaby James....black privilege, black Chinaman! End all Sports....make these uneducated punks get real jobs!

  6. 12:35 you never took a knee when someone got injured?

  7. "Anonymous said...
    12:35 you never took a knee when someone got injured?

    September 16, 2020 at 2:32 PM"

    I have no idea what exactly you are talking about? I've prayed many times for someone injured. I pray when ever I see an ambulance for whoever is in it. But I have never kneeled when doing it. We should only kneel to God and nothing else or no one else. And I think I am right since I have been blessed with unbelievable blessings We have no stress no financial worries at all and either will my 2 children, zero health issues for our ages which amazes everyone. God rewards in great ways those who are true Christians and walk the talk and continue to try to do better.


  8. He's a pretty big guy so "Shut Up and Dribble" should easily fit on his jersey. He is paid to put a ball through a hoop.

    And I readily acknowledge he has made other worthwhile contributions in the past off the court.


  9. This would not be happening if "people" would just obey the lawful commands of a police officer. CRIMINALS don't obey lawful orders. Live by the sword die by the sword.

  10. 9:40 p.m. WELL said!

  11. Anonymous 120 you are just another racist idiot with the same mentality as most of white America . What makes you think we should forget about our holocaust . You done say that about the Jews and there slogan that they will never forget and it won't happen again.Black people get killed even when they summit a in handcuffs there is no reason to beat a man handcuffed / that's the work of a coward.


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