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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Canadian Landlord Rips Out Doors, Windows and Faucet to Force Tenant Eviction

A landlord in Canada has removed doors, windows, and kitchen facilities from an apartment unit in Halifax in a bid to force out the couple living there, who have not paid rent since their lease expired at the end of April.
Melody Baldock and partner Laurissa Forrest have been in a dispute with landlord Adam Barrett for several months, CBC News reported Friday, after their lease expired and they stopped paying rent. Baldock and Forrest say they have been unable to find alternative accommodation, partially due to the disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Barrett—who in the past has made headlines for forcing tenants out of other buildings via renovation disruption and rent increases—told CBC that Baldock and Forrest have long been troublesome tenants, failing to pay rent, fighting with neighbors and causing damage to the building.


  1. If you don't pay the rent then get the heck out!

  2. Good for him, I’m tired of all these hand to mouth dead beats that buy Starbucks and cell service but won’t pay for a roof over their head

  3. Only in America can you live rent free because you are lazy. It has now been extended until dec 31. No one has to pay their rent. It's ridiculous.

  4. dont work dont eat! easy peasy! no rest for you!

  5. Interesting indeed. Do that here in USA and the tenants will sue because their feelings were hurt.

  6. He may get his ass kicked too !!! Try the wrong one & see !!!


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