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Monday, September 07, 2020

Biden Ad Attacking Trump Plan That Doesn't Exist Receives 4 Pinocchios in Washington Post Fact Check

The truth is that the Biden campaign lied, according to The Washington Post, which awarded the campaign its maximum rating for untruthfulness over a recent ad.

The ad states that,“If Trump gets his way, Social Security benefits will run out in just three years from now. Don’t let it happen. Joe Biden will protect Social Security.”

The Post explains how false Biden's claims are and outlines Trumps exact plan for Social Security.

Trump campaign spokesman Zach Parkinson said, “America’s seniors can rest assured that President Trump will always protect Social Security, unlike Joe Biden who bragged in the 1990s about his efforts to ‘freeze’ benefits.”


  1. Biden slurs from a script and has questions given to people he’s basically retarded

  2. It’s interesting what big tech is doing.
    Algorithms are shutting down circulation of content like this.
    Anything pro Trump or anti Biden is being squashed on Facebook. If you post a link to an “unapproved” website with content
    the DNC does not favor, no one sees it. It is blocked from newsfeeds. This includes photos and memes.
    Google searches turn up negative results for Trump and glowing New York Times articles about Biden. Lol

  3. The Joey camp would be better off keeping the boy out of sight. If hidden, he wouldn’t embarrass himself and others as much.

  4. Hidin Biden is a fool and a dolt. He is being tutored by a group of left wing radicals (probably very young) who have their own agenda and Biden is too stupid to see what is happening. What is even more disconcerting is the DNC is standing back letting this happen. Then there is Commala waiting in the wings hoping against hope that the old white dude falls on his a$$ and she becomes queen of the world.

  5. The SAME publication, The Washington Post, has tracked Donald Trump with telling over 20,000 false or misleading claims.. that's a twenty, with three zeros behind it. That's over 19,996 more than four.

    No postings or mentioning about that is there?

    But Biden, Biden got 4 fact checks!

    I tell you, ya'll are just too much. OVER TWENTY THOUSAND and ya'll are unmoved. Biden gets four and it's on the front page.

    It's just too much, I just can't even with any of you anymore. Selective virtue signaling, dishonest representation of other peoples actual positions, will full ignorance to the facts, hypocrisy of demonizing the opposition while pretending yours isn't insanely more guilty of the same crime.

    Look, I'm Conservative and Republican... what happened to us!?

    1. Your a Democrat!! Hack .. Teump has done more for the American people then any president ever!! Let sloppy Joe hide behind the media in his basement ..

  6. Northwest Woodsman: I guess even the Washington Post couldn’t sweep these stupid comments under the rug. Another blatant lie issued from the Pedomarxist candidate. They obviously have nothing positive to present.

  7. As the Washington Post is owned by Bezos, I’m amazed they published a truthful article about President Trump.

  8. Wat to go Washington Post - keep it up - we know you can do it for Trump.


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