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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Berlin Cancels Christmas Parade, NYE Celebration

This just in from the Town of Berlin:

The Town of Berlin will modify several events and cancel the Berlin Christmas Parade & New Year’s Eve celebrations for this year due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Saturday, October 17th, 10am-5pm: Oktoberfest will be a ‘Celebration of Oktoberfest in Berlin Day’. Many of the downtown eateries will feature outdoor tents with traditional Oktoberfest fare. There will also be local beer and cider. There will be no parking on Main and the side streets, but the roads downtown will remain open. Traditional Oktoberfest music will be offered by Ocean98 DJ Big Al Reno. The Berlin Fall Sidewalk Sale which is also held on October 17th will still take place.

Friday, November 27th, 5pm-8pm: The Berlin Christmas Tree & Holiday Shopping Night. There will be no formal tree lighting ceremony, but the Berlin Christmas Tree will be illuminated, and the shops will stay open late. Santa will be there offering carriage rides and local non-profits will have food and hot chocolate.

The Berlin Christmas Parade is cancelled this year.

New Year’s Eve Ball Drop on Main Street has been cancelled this year. An alternative plan is currently being considered and a decision will be made in October.


  1. Will they cancel their gay pride parade?? How about their MLK celebration??? Talk about jumping the gun without proper information.

  2. How can there still be people that do not see that this is about control and not safety? Cancelling events 4 months from now? This is about destroying the human connection, dehumanizing everyone, and preventing any sort of gatherings where people can truly connect. Thats the goal behind all of this.

  3. More stupidity. Why are we all going along with this charade?

  4. 12:16

    You are 100% correct.

  5. Once these tyrants taste power it becomes insatiable to them.

  6. Zero doubt communist are in control of Berlin and structure its demise.

  7. My kids have started classes at Wor WIC. They have said it is very weird. Everyone looks down, very little communication. They have spent the summer in OC so very used to human connections, saying hi as you walk by. They said it was very icky feeling.

  8. Explain to me why you cancel the later rather than the sooner events? Makes no sense at all......

  9. The residents should have their own

  10. Time to Stop supporting the TOWN. It's a tourist attraction. Yet they cancel everything for tourists. How stupid are these people?? That's okay. When you have people closing or just staying away. Don't start crying. You idiots did it to yourself. POWER MAKES YOU STUPID.

  11. Hogan said he was canceling New Years Eve
    and Christmas

    Hogan said State Police will arrest anybody carrying Christmas 🎄 gifts or wine

  12. It's not because of the virus. It's because of the thugs.


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