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Saturday, September 12, 2020

AWKWARD: Joe Biden Loses His Train of Thought When Saying He Isn’t “Slow Joe” (VIDEO)

This was awkward.
Joe Biden lost his train of thought when saying he isn’t “Slow Joe.”

7-year-old Joe Biden Wednesday evening sat down for an interview with CNN host Jake Tapper.

In a segment of the interview which aired Thursday, Biden pledged full transparency on all facets of his health if he wins the White House.

Biden lost his train of thought as he claimed to be spry and in good health compared to President Trump.

“Just look at us. Who seems to be in shape? Who’s able to move around?” said Biden. “I mean this idea…you know, ‘Slow Joe’ — [awkwardly laughs] anyway…I shouldn’t laugh about it because anyway…”



  1. I’ll give full transparency of my health AFTER I’m in the whites house. Biden hates pesky voters.

  2. " . . . Biden pledged full transparency on all facets of his health if he wins the White House."
    Yeah, AFTER he gets in the White House, not before. That way nothing can be done about it.

  3. As a psych nurse, if I were doing a mental assessment, I'd have to include disordered speech, tangential thinking, confabulation (making things up), faulty memory, hesitant responses that indicate mental conflict or poor understanding of simple questions, etc, etc. I'd probably refer him for additional assessment by a geriatric social worker and psychologist, as these are indicative of a progressive problem that might prove hazardous to this person or others.

  4. I heard that Biden drinks blood from aborted babies. A lot of people are talking about it. But the lame stream media won't cover it!

  5. Biden's train has left the track. Harris is now the real candidate, subject to last minute change.

  6. 10:26 The hazard to others has already been done by Joe and son Hunter, they have done nothing but make billions off helping our enemies over seas and Hunter working a job he had no qualifications for but made a fortune hurting this country and yet the Dems think Joe is the best choice for President, he is their puppet in name only. He will be put away in an institution as soon as this election is over and Trump wins. Then we can go full slam into charges on his remaining son Hunter who is just like his father, who has done nothing for this country ever in over 40 years. If you remember he did nothing for the state of Delaware either followed by being just a puppet for

  7. Can't Pass a Physical for the job , then he
    is Disqualified from the job !!! Period

  8. JOe would be Slooooow to launch a missile

    when needed too !!! So Joe Must GO !!!


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