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Saturday, September 12, 2020

3 in 10 Americans think their Mail-in Ballots will be counted accurately

According to the Washington Post, while more people want to vote in advance, incredibly few are confident in the process:

“Fear of the coronavirus and doubts about the reliability of mail voting after months of attacks from President Trump are weighing heavily on Americans as they decide how to safely ensure their vote will be counted in this fall’s presidential election, according to the survey. In 2016, about 4 in 10 ballots were cast early.”

But the Post has to concede that the public doesn’t have trust in the process:

Even as more voters want to mail their ballots than in 2016, just over 3 in 10 say they are “very confident” that their vote will be counted accurately if they vote by mail, compared with nearly 7 in 10 who say the same about voting in person on Election Day.

The polling cross-tabs reveal that fewer than 30 per cent of Americans believe in the integrity of the mail-in vote, with the number scarcely changing (to just over 3 in 10) for registered voters:



  1. Three FOOL'S. Anyone that uses mail in ballots vote won't be valid. The DEMOCRATS have a scheme to have thousands of ballots not to be COUNTED. They know a judge will throw out thousands of votes. They hope more are republican than democrat. You must go to your polling place to VOTE. It's the only way to keep the DEMOCRATS honest.

  2. The dumbocrats aren't even trying to hide their corruption.

  3. Whoa, a whopping 33.3%! Like me, no confidence.

  4. "3 in 10 Americans think their Mail-in Ballots will be counted accurately" Should this correctly read 7 in 10 don't think they will be?

  5. I have been working elections in Maryland, Virginia and Delaware (as I moved around for work) and in all cases Mail ins are not counted in a presidential election unless it is close.
    There just isn't the people to run those ballots thru the machines along with the regular voters using the same machines. Each machine cost thousands of dollars so there are no extras. Just one for each precinct.
    Everyone should sign up to do election work at least once in your life to see what a mess it really is.

  6. I guarantee that there will be districts all over this country where 100% or more in a district will vote. THAT IS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE because that many people NEVER vote. Democrats are harvesting these ballots. There will be thousands of people vote that will never know they voted at all. Not counting the DEAD, ILLEGAL, etc and they will be Democrats.

  7. No one knows exactly how many California Voters voted last year OR if they actually Voted at all!! If ballot harvesting is done ballots can be falsely filled out.
    In 2018, California Democrats used “ballot harvesting” as part of a successful effort to flip seven Republican-held seats. Hundreds of thousands of ballots were dropped off by Democratic Party operatives.
    The new bill, called the “Election Fraud Prevention Act,” argues:
    (4) the practice of ballot harvesting in California creates significant vulnerabilities in the chain-of-custody of ballots because individuals collecting ballots are not required to be registered voters and are not required to identify themselves at a voter’s home, and the State does not track how many ballots are harvested in an election;
    And you say mail in votes are not RIGGED??????

  8. I once worked an election and those mail ins got put in a box till after the election was over. I don't think they ever got looked at. If your to lazy to go to the polls you shouldn't vote at all.


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