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Thursday, August 20, 2020

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  1. She could not be appointed either because her Senate seat is up for election also in November so her position would be vacant until the votes were counted just like the President and Vice President.

    1. Her seat would be decided easily. What 80,000 votes in her district? It would be the President that would be harder to count/know.

  2. It's much easier to rig a local election. She will declared a winner, the presidency won't. This isn't the 1st place I heard this.

    1. Look at Cecil county executive canidate Danielle Hornberger?? She got caught falsifying Election documents and harvesting votes. Her husband used to work for Andy Harris. CORRUPTION at its best in Maryland.

  3. I hate to listen to someone ramble and repeat.

  4. 11:42 you are correct! It would not be Pelosi!

  5. 11:42 PM - She's not a member of the Senate.

  6. No one is saying it is unsafe to vote. Fauci even said it is safe to vote as long as social distancing is obeyed and masks are worn.

    Mail in voting gives more access to voting, it gives more people the chance to vote. When more people have access to voting democrats tend to win. This is why they push for mail in voting. When access to voting is more difficult, Republicans tend to win. This is why republicans push to make it more difficult to vote.

    There are five states now that vote almost exclusively by mail, and have for some time with no problems. Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. The Republican parties application for mail in voting that has Trumps name emblazoned upon it says that mail in voting is safe and secure.

    Just look at the facts and evidence. We need to stop this ludicrous conspiracy theory nonsense. It's embarrassing at this point, and it's destroying the Republican party, we are looking like bufoons.

    1. Why is it we have to show our ID for anything we do. Yet, no ID to vote. We should not be looking at how to be more accessable but how to make sure people are voting legally and fairly. Be very careful with labels. If you think things can't come back to bite Democrats too you are crazy. These evil people will soon turn on each other.

    2. I agree with everything you stated 10:27, thank you

  7. 11:42 Please, become informed before you post.

    1.Pelosi isn't a Senator, Pelosi is a member of the house of representatives.

    2. Her term doesn't end on election day, it ends on the 2nd Monday in January after the election when the new term starts.

  8. @ August 21, 2020 at 10:27 AM

    Really good question with a simple answer.

    Voting is a protected right. Anything that would impede exercising that right is a problem. Unless the ID's were produced freely, at no charge to the public, they would be a barrier to voting... and even with that people would need to be able to have transportation or an address to get the ID.

    Currently, people STILL have to register to vote, then when they do go to the polls to vote, their name is checked as having voted. No one who is not registered can vote. Generally voters are asked to provide an ID or some sort of mail, something to identify them.


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