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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Watch This Video And YOU Decide Who's Best For The County!!!


  1. Carl supports the tax differential, which would cost the county tax payers millions out of their pockets, and given it to the city of Salisbury.

    Carl sponsored House Bill 1319 which sought to repeal the county licensing board's jurisdiction within city limits, which would cost the county tax payers millions out of their pockets, and given it to the city of Salisbury.

    Now you know why the council rejected him and the city lords through a fit.

    It's as simple as that.

  2. Carl is a moron. He is a much more polished moron now, but a moron nonetheless. He has done well for himself considering his abilities.

  3. Embarrassing process--Charter says they have to appoint and that's what the Council should do now. Isn't there an individual who currently works in the County administrative office who could be appointed? Simple, now get on with it.

  4. certainly not Ennis , do you know how many employees left the finance dept under ennis? many years of county experience left an took their knowledge with them under ennis. She wasn't qualified to be the finance director an since on this site you like the good old boy talk well then u know how she got that position under bob literally.

  5. 3:28 No one left because of Ms Ennis. Sadly your one of the good ol boys huh? Whats the matter? She threatens alot of people, is it because she is a woman doing what YOU think is a mans job? I mean she has pretty much crushed her job from what I hear. I dont know her, I know of her through someone she works with, I also heard she is a royal bitch, but I am certain thats what it took for her to crush her job and I am happy she threatens some of the good olboys out there. Sorry she didnt make it.

  6. What in the hell are those who voted against Mr. Anderton they need to be removed. This typical of those on the left, brain dead.

  7. The behavior of Mike Dunn, the GSC, and the Chamber of Commerce has been an absolute disgrace throughout this entire course of events.
    They need to stay out of politics.

  8. What in the hell are those who voted against Mr. Anderton they need to be removed. This typical of those on the left, brain dead.

    Really? Those "braindead" people are doing their jobs of looking out for the county. Bob Culver was against tax increases, the tax differential, the liquor board take over by the city, rescinding the tax cap, and was pro 2nd amendment and fracking. These are the shoes they are filling and Carl has voted or been on record to be in opposition to everyone of these important issues to county voters.

    Get a little education on "the issues' and then you will know that the council is doing it's job for the residents of Wicomico county, before you call someone braindead, Linda Luffman.

  9. Anonymous said...
    What in the hell are those who voted against Mr. Anderton they need to be removed. This typical of those on the left, brain dead.

    Really? Those "braindead" people are doing their jobs of looking out for the county. Bob Culver was against tax increases, the tax differential, the liquor board take over by the city, rescinding the tax cap, and was pro 2nd amendment and fracking. These are the shoes they are filling and Carl has voted or been on record to be in opposition to everyone of these important issues to county voters.

    Get a little education on "the issues' and then you will know that the council is doing it's job for the residents of Wicomico county, before you call someone braindead, Linda Luffman.

    August 25, 2020 at 5:17 PM

    Sorry to disappoint you. I'm very well educated. Sorry to disappoint you gain but my name is not Linda Luffman but thanks for playing. snicker snicker.

  10. The Decision as to whom was best qualified, and prepared for that interview was very clear that even a blind man could see it...No disrespect to a blind man, Haters gonna hate and the corrupt and selfserving council members wanted somebody that they could control. Period, end of story.

  11. Well, Joe, you're right. I watched the entire video. My mind is changed. I hate when I spout off without seeing the whole picture. I don't like Mike Dunn, dirty politics, and a lot of other stuff. Have to say that. However, it was clear who by watching this session who the most qualified candidate was. I love Dr. Desmarais, really like his vision, and wanted someone new. But it was clearly stated that the job is full time -- more than 40 hours actually -- and the doctor needs to keep his practice. I do wonder, though, how Carl Anderton could do and would want to do 2 political offices. Perhaps, someone could educate me on that. Thanks.

  12. I will say it again. This is not an on the job training position! We need someone that knows how things run and how to balance the books. Some jobs a college education is not needed. This is not one of them!

  13. Carl Anderton is a joke. He is just another Rino with his nose up Day's a$$. He is no good in Annapolis and would run the County into the ground.

  14. You ask who is best after watching the video? I certainly know who was NOT the best!

  15. Several comments above are very valid. Why not just appoint Mr. John Psota to continue on for the two years....seems to be doing okay for now. Let him get an assistant administrator and then just save all the administrator money. Ms. Ennis is very book smart with diplomas, etc. but listen to her interview. As she admits she does not know the terminology and other items. She may have a finance degree but even though she was the HR director, she does not have the people skills. Yes, many employees countywide have left because of her in general. Psota could just keep the county moving along for the next two years and bring the exec office to a vote to dissolve.

    1. “ for the next two years and bring the exec office to a vote to dissolve.”
      Or let the voters elect someone in two years? Duh.

  16. Unfortunately Delegate Carl Anderton is out of his league. He has shown all of us that by posting a lengthy video on the internet exposing his incompetence. This run for the County Executive Office has permanently damaged him and any chances of a re-election as a delegate again! His youth and inexperience as a politician has clearly shown through! Good luck in life Carl, this will be your first and last run in office. THe Executive requires dedication, good morals and most of all, INTEGRITY! You have shown a lack of integrity by stating you had a college degree which later was proved to be a lie. Now you say you have a high school diploma but it was burned up in a garage?? Again integrity is the issue here! Good Luck and Good Bye!

  17. Anonymous said...
    Well, Joe, you're right. I watched the entire video. My mind is changed. I hate when I spout off without seeing the whole picture. I don't like Mike Dunn, dirty politics, and a lot of other stuff. Have to say that. However, it was clear who by watching this session who the most qualified candidate was. I love Dr. Desmarais, really like his vision, and wanted someone new. But it was clearly stated that the job is full time -- more than 40 hours actually -- and the doctor needs to keep his practice. I do wonder, though, how Carl Anderton could do and would want to do 2 political offices. Perhaps, someone could educate me on that. Thanks.

    August 25, 2020 at 6:21 PM

    If Carl Anderton were to get the position, he would have to resign his job in Annapolis, He can not keep both. One or the other, not both

  18. Anonymous said...
    Unfortunately Delegate Carl Ander is out of his league. He has shown all of us that by posting a lengthy video on the internet exposing his incompetence. This run for the County Executive Office has permanently damaged him and any chances of a re-election as a delegate again! His youth and inexperience as a politician has clearly shown through! Good luck in life Carl, this will be your first and last run in office. THe Executive requires dedication, good morals and most of all, INTEGRITY! You have shown a lack of integrity by stating you had a college degree which later was proved to be a lie. Now you say you have a high school diploma but it was burned up in a garage?? Again integrity is the issue here! Good Luck and Good Bye!

    August 25, 2020 at 8:33 PM

    show us that Carl said he had a degree? He has never made that claim. and who are you that you think you can decide for anybody of what somebody else is going to do? This sounds like some of the same threats that Nicole Asko has said to other or about others. Sorry but you don't get to decide. Speaking of good morals and integrity, and lies, i want you to ask Nicole Asko how many times that she has lied since her appointment on the cancil? and Larry Dudd. well he is a dudd.

  19. Who is Nicole Asko? Not familiar with anyone by the name on the Wicomico County Council?

  20. It's clear by these interviews that Dr. Ennis has the best handle on the County and our present and future needs. It's also clear that Desmarius is only interested in the medical community and not me or my needs. Red Flag Law Carl lost my vote long ago, and this interview showed he'll just be "winging it" if appointed.

    And that's all I have to say about that.

  21. 7:46 You sound very much like a woman hater

  22. None of the above pictured! Simple all loosers.


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