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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Watch: D.C. Mayor Accuses Trump of Fanning Flames of Racism

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D), speaking at Monday night’s Democratic National Convention with Black Lives Matter Plaza as her backdrop, said she wants her daughter to grow up in an America where the president “doesn’t fan the flames of racism.”

Bowser emphasized the Democrat Party’s unsaid theme of racial justice in her brief remarks Monday night, stating that the story of the nation’s capital is the “story of reckoning.”

“It was here that John Lewis and Dr. King spoke on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. It was here that millions of women and men flooded the streets for the Women’s March,” she said, also highlighting the protesters, many of whom were violent, who gathered in the nation’s capital over the summer. She expressed horror that President Trump walked to St. John’s Church and held up a Bible — a symbolic action he took after those “peaceful protests” set the church ablaze.

“But while we were peacefully protesting, Donald Trump was plotting. He stood in front of one of our most treasured houses of worship and held a Bible for a photo op,” Bowser said. “He sent troops in camouflage into our streets. He sent tear gas into the air—federal helicopters, too.”

“I knew if he did this to D.C., he would do it to your city or your town, and that’s when I said enough,” she said, bringing up her daughter:

I have a two-year-old daughter, and I want her to grow up in an America where she’s not afraid to walk to the store. An America where she’s safe behind the doors of her own home. An America where the president doesn’t fan the flames of racism and looks out for all of us. So I created Black Lives Matter Plaza right behind me as a place where we can come together to say “enough.”



  1. Wicomico Names New Executive

    The Dispatch has it on facebook.

  2. You ignorant fool. That’s exactly why he did what he did. He wants the streets to be safe. You were unable to control the situation.

  3. bower another lying black democrat skank. The only thing her daughter has to fear are other blacks. unfortunately since most blacks are democrats this means they are liars and have not a drop of moral blood in their bodies so won't admit this truth. This child of hers is adopted which is a shame because with a lying POS like this thing as a "mother" that child needs no enemies.

    1. Another child growing up without a father figure....hmmm how will that turn out?????


  4. What a stupid, biased person.

    Her buddies the protesters set fire to the historic church she's suddenly misty eyed about, and her police were not given the instructions and resources to protect it and other properties. But she was able to approve painting the street in an attempt to directly insult the president and everyone who wouldn't be cowed into chanting the current slogan.

    She's part of the problem.

  5. Everything is black with these blacks. No wonder they fear being black. They are always placing themselves at the bottom. They are their biggest enemy. I’ve been here all my life on the Eastern Shore and as a WHITE guy, I’ve never looked at them as a oddity. I don’t act bad towards anyone, but they have caused me to not give a chit.

  6. The only fear she should have of her kid walking to the store in DC is of her being physically assaulted by a black man or woman, or shot in a drive by or armed robbery. Sort those probabilities out and deal with them before blaming anyone else.

  7. 11:00 most since they are democrats want whites to look at them as as oddity. They long for this. But it's not happened in a long long long time. There is no such thing as racism and they hate it. They because they are democrats want nothing more in life but to be victims. Like all democrats honesty escapes them. They need racism so they van lie and use that as an excuse for their own failures. They don't want to admit they and they alone are the cause of every single one of their social problems.
    Since most are democrats they stand for nothing, have no principles. They talk out their rumps. They want things like streets named MLK Blvd but haven't the character to even practice what he preached. Things just as not judging on skin color but character They are such jokes. Skin color is number one when most of them vote. This voting stupidly for generations now is also a cause of their issues. But again a lack or morals including honesty escapes them so they will not admit this but can lie and say it's racism with a hint of shame.

  8. Is it just me or is it starting to feel like a real life Planet of the Apes

  9. Northwest Woodsman: The simple solution to your fears for your daughter would to relocate to a majority Caucasian community that has a Caucasian mayor, Caucasian chief of police, and a predominantly non Pedomarxist democrat political structure.

  10. Democrats have no other policies other than racism and they’ve burnt band destroyed black communities over the last several months with Democrat politicians allowing it .

  11. They cling to the racism issue because that's all they have to explain lack of initiative.

  12. Democrats FAN the Flames of their Racism & Blame everyone else !!!!


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