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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Voters condemn Trump for racist comments — then learn Biden actually made those comments

Voters who spoke recently to the Daily Caller News Foundation's Matt Miller were adamant: President Donald Trump's alleged racism is reason enough why he should not win re-election in November.

But they refused to apply that same standard to presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden when confronted with the former vice president's history of racist comments.
What are the quotes?

Miller approached several groups of young people and shared with them quotes that he at first said were from Trump.
"Unless we do something about this, my children are gonna grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle, with tensions having built up so high that it's going to explode at some point."
"Poor kids are just as bright as white kids."
"Obama is the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean."
"Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is incredibly diverse and with incredibly different attitudes about different things."

In response, one voter said, "It's so racist and ignorant in every way. It's like [Trump has] never interacted with a black person, or anybody else for that matter."



  1. You just Cant fix stupid ignorance. Progressive Democrats are the enemy, not TRUMP. These idiots are going to vote for more of the same old same lies and broken promises we had before TRUMP! They are just to stupid to realize how they are being used by the swamp and the globalist NWO agenda

  2. Oh the leftist are soooo stupid and show it more and more on a daily bases.

  3. Haha, ha, ha, ha...

  4. It's all about their team (dumbocrats) winning. The country can go to hell when they get elected but at least their team won.

  5. If Biden's mouth is moving he is lying he can't remember much but still knows how to do a cover up, him and his not so friendly buddy Obama need to both go to their mansions all over and sit in rocking chairs trying to figure how they will keep it all if real tax audits were done.


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