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Thursday, August 20, 2020

UPDATE: Joe Biden Still Doesn't Know How Many Grandchildren He Has

Joe Biden claims to believe in science, but continues to ignore the scientific evidence regarding the number of grandchildren he has.
During a recent interview with Cardi B, the legendary hip-hop icon whose hit track "Wet [A-word] [P-word]" has all but locked up Song of the Summer status for 2020, the former VP claimed to be an "expert" on raising children, but once again misstated the number of biological grandchildren that actual scientific and legal experts have determined him to have. "I’ve got four kids, five grandchildren—c’mon, I’m an expert," Biden said, erroneously.
Biden has seven grandchildren. His deceased son Beau had two children, Natalie and Hunter. His degenerate son Hunter, a 2019 Washington Free Beacon Man of the Year, has three children from a previous marriage—Naomi, Finnegan, and Maisy. In March, he celebrated the birth of a son, Beau, with his current wife, Melissa Cohen. That's six.


  1. Is he counting the little girls that rub the hair on his legs while he sniffs their hair? This guy is a huge embarrassment to his party or any party.

  2. Either he is in denial and does not recognize a couple or he just can't count.

  3. Nothing is true with the dumbocrats. Everything about them is fake, made up and lies.

    Hiden Biden is also demented.

    I think that is why they get along with Hollywood so well.


  4. Is the stripper's child getting SS protection since he's part of Joe's extended family? If not, will that change if Joe somehow gets elected? Asking for a friend.

  5. Joe Biden doesn't know who the HELL he's married to. I can't wait to hear this bumbling fool speak. Even with a speech in hand. Duh, duh, in 1970 Barack and myself. When I was in Vietnam. Watch this FOOL wither before your eyes.

  6. Pay attention to Jill when she is by his side. She holds his hand and when Joe is suppose to smile or wave Jill taps his hand. He kind of jumps like he is waking up and then waves. No kidding. Watch it.


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