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Friday, August 28, 2020

Trump Plan Would Cure School Re-Opening Chaos

President Trump released his second-term agenda this week. In it, he included the plan to “Provide School Choice to Every Child in America.” I have long been an advocate of school choice because it gives our most disadvantaged students an immediate escape valve and the chance to join a school and culture that changes the trajectory of their lives. And that escape valve is now needed by more families, more urgently, than ever before.

To that point, this past Friday night, after 5 pm – when many Wisconsin families were outside enjoying one of the last summer weekends before their kids return to school – the liberal bastion of Dane County issued “Emergency Order #9.” That order mandated that all schools in the county begin instruction for grades three to 12 virtually, effective only 60 hours after it was issued, on Monday, Aug. 24 -- what was to be the first day of in-person school for many private school students in the county.



  1. Retired Correctional officerAugust 28, 2020 at 6:36 PM

    Fire all teachers

    hire Correctional Officers

    we know how to deal with low life behaviors

    kids want to learn, not be sidelined by young thugs or want to be thugs

  2. Vouchers all day long. Our kids need to have a choice in education, and we pay now for incoherent idiocy to teach our kids. We pay already for schooling for all, so choice of schools should be mandatory.


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